Admitted through Madison's AAP?

<p>Today I was admitted to UW Madison through the AAP( Academic Advancement Program). I read about the program through their official website, but I'm confused. I know that part of the reason why I was selected was because of the fact that I'm a minority and that I'm first generation, but did they also select me because they felt I wasn't academically qualified as other admitted students? It says that they tutor and mentor students, but why only these selected students? If I decide to attend UW Madison, I have to participate in their summer bridge program where I go to the school and take courses in the summer. If I complete the 8-week program, I am eligable for tuition scholarship for up to 5 years. How much scholarship money would they be able to give me? UW Madison is one of my top choices, and because I am low income and OOS, it is important that they give me a good amount. So overall, my question is
1) was I selected to be in AAP because I'm not academically qualified as other admitted students
2) how much would they cover for tuition if I complete their summer bridge program?</p>

<p>I was admitted to this program because of my URM status as well. If someone could please answer those questions above and give us insight into whether this program is worth it or not would be appreciated. Thanks! Also, Can I appeal this and just go to the school as a normal admitted student as my stats are in the middle 50% for everything? </p>

<p>Hey guys,
I’m in the same boat! I attended a really competitive high school and had a decent SAT (1970) and really good SAT2s, so I’m kind of offended that they’re automatically throwing me into a program that seems to be for kids who were at the bottom of the applicant pool. UW was my top school for a long time, but I’m considering UCSB more seriously at this point (CA resident). Do you have any idea when financial aid awards will be posted? Oh and how did you know that they’d give you tuition scholarship for up to 5 years? </p>

<p>Honestly, I don’t like that they worded it as though my admission was contingent upon my participance in this program. Sure, I’d love to join clubs and organizations for the advancement of minorities, but I shouldn’t be thrusted into it before I even enroll!</p>


<p>Wait yeah, how did you find out about the scholarship covering tuition? I got admitted through AAP and am questioning why I was thrown in that pool too. I had great test scores and my gpa is pretty high. I’m a minority however so that may be why I’m in this program… Either way, I’m deciding to go ahead and do it because I think it’ll be a fun experience and I don’t mind taking what they’re offering me (free classes, etc). If you could please respond on how you found out about the tuition scholarship though that’d be great… bc I haven’t heard about that.</p>

<p>Are you guys for real? The program is basically only us and couple hundred students.We wont go to class like the other kids and they are basically forcing us to go to mandatory extra help. I am insulted to be put into a program where they will stigmatize us for not being white. And this program is for the whole four years. What if you wanted to go into the business school? I wouldn’t be able to do so because I would be stuck in this program. AAP seems to me like a terrible option. I just want to be normal student. Not off in my own world with a small number of other students.</p>

<p>What do you mean we wont go to class like the other kids? Besides the summer thing, i’m pretty sure we’ll be lumped in with everybody else and do the same things except they will make sure we are doing well and succeeding. I know it is kind of insulting but it seems like it will only help. And you can go to business school or whatever you like. Because it is through the L&S, I asked them if you had to go to the L&S college, but they said you can go to whatever school you want and major in whatever you want and they’ll help you along the way. Besides the summer thing, which i see as a positive, they don’t force you into anything else. I haven’t heard anything about the tuition scholarship but that seems pretty good too. Where do you get the impression that you will be in your own little world outside of te normal school? </p>

<p>I get that impression from where we will be living. We will in our own little dorm away from the other kids. I want to socialize and not live with just the same kids for the next four years. What if I wanted to live off campus or with my best friend who is going here? I wont be able to do so. And this “help” we are getting is like saying we wont be able to handle the school work.</p>

<p>I’d like to offer a different perspective to you guys…</p>

<p>I was put in a summer bridge program at my current university. (I’m trying to transfer into Madison) It probably is not exactly the same though. I absolutely loved it, I got to know the campus in the summer, made a ton of new friends etc. It was great.</p>

<p>I’ve now been accepted into multiple schools I had no business getting into as a freshman. I would highly recommend a summer bridge program. It was a fantastic experience. </p>

<p>Besides the SCE thing, where you stay in the dorm with everybody else like us, i’m pretty sure we get to choose to stay wherever we want. Am i wrong about this? In the CAE requirements section, every requirement falls under the SCE. Yeah I know what it is saying about us, but it all depends on the way you look at it. You should look at it as getting a great opportunity to spend the summer in madison, getting into the groove of things before all of the other students, as well as having people behind you making sure you succeed. If you take the whole pride and ego aspect out of it, it seems to be completely beneficial. I would like to know about what you said about the dorm and if it is true or not, because staying away from all of the other kids for the whole four years would change things and ostracize us.</p>

<p>@transfergopher i agree, i’m excited for the summer bridge program and I think it will be helpful. The only thing that worries me is the next four years and how/if my experience will be different than the ordinary person’s.</p>

<p>It is not my ego that is the problem here. The fact that we will be living together for the next four years without change is what is my problem. I want to explore different groups and different people not be limited to a small amount of them. And the other kids might look down on us. I don’t want to be known as the kid who got in because he was another race and isn’t white. I just want to blend in and make the friends that I want to make. Not just socialize with the small amount of people in the program. I am honored and appreciate the fact that I was admitted. Just didn’t think it would be like this. If i can’t opt out I will probably be headed to UCLA or Michigan so I am not as concerned as I should be. I find it to be an insult to be put into a program I was never asked to apply for and join. </p>

<p>Again where are you getting this idea that we will be living together for the next four years without change? I haven’t seen one thing saying this. You say this is a “fact” but provide no proof. I still don’t know everything about this program, which is why i’m here, but from the information given from what they have sent and what is on the website, there is nothing saying we are forced to live together for the next four years. Excluding the summer program, the only thing they say is that they provide help and guidance and make sure you succeed. You’re forming your opinion of this program based on an idea that is never mentioned, and based on the current information, is likely false. I agree that IF this is true, it will be a problem and I too want to blend in and make friends just like everyone else. But from everything I’ve read, we will be able to those things and we’ll be able to live wherever we want.</p>

<p>I was curious as to what this is so I researched a bit… You only stay in that specific dorm for the summer and once it’s over with and the actual school semester starts, you move into a completely different dorm, probably one that you sign up for. This is a 4 year program but this SCE is only for your incoming year as a freshman. The rest of the program just looks like they offer you tutoring, academic advising, and group activities that I’m sure are optional. My only hope of getting in is transferring for this fall but if I had this opportunity when I was an incoming freshman at UW Madison, I would take it in a heartbeat. You’ll get to know the campus, make friends, and you’ll keep your brain busy so you don’t forget half the stuff you learn in HS over the summer! I say go for it. </p>

<p>This is the link where to find out more about this program. </p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>What about a scholarship is that true</p>

<p>Ok. So. if this is just for the summer. Im in. BUT if during the school year I am forced to stay in a single dorm and later on not be able to apply to the business school and stay in this program I am not going. </p>

<p>Can someone please verify that this is just for the summer and that I’ll be able to attend school as a normal student in the fall and the rest of my years at Madison?</p>

<p>Calibro, I can’t verify the second part for you (business school), but that seems very unusual and unlikely. As for the staying in Tripp Hall all 4 years… that’s bogus. It wouldn’t make sense to give FRESHMEN single dorms all 4 years.</p>

<p>Yes, I’m 99% sure that you just stay in Tripp for the summer. As for the Business School, you can major and go to whatever school you want, they will just help ADVISE which classes to take for the major you want or the school you want. To my understanding, that is all it is. GREAT benefit.</p>

<p>If you guys have other questions you can contact AAP at 608-262-2583. I wondered if I could only go to the college of L&S so i called them and they informed me that I could go anywhere.</p>