Admitted To Frost

<p>I thought it would be cool to have a thread for the people who got admitted to Frost so we can share our instruments and majors and everything!</p>

<p>I'm from Maryland, majoring in Music Business/ Entertainment Industries and my instrument is voice!</p>

<p>Admitted for Classical Saxophone Performance! Originally from Maryland, now living in South FL.</p>

<p>Did your status change on MyUm? Congratulations to both of you! I also have a freshman bari sax playing son who will be applying to Frost for Class of 2019. It’s a wonderful program.</p>

<p>My status hasn’t changed yet</p>

<p>I would reccomend to your son that he expand from a bari saxophone player to a saxophone player. He should become proficent on at least tenor and alto too if not soprano as well. It’s great to have under your belt for auditons and resume.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the advice. All of our other kids are science/math related. My husband and I have absolutely no musical inclination or background. He plays tenor, alto, bari and the clarinet, but prefers the bari. I’ll be sure to reinforce to him the importance of continuing to practice all of them. Best of luck to you. You are a very kind, generous and accomplished young man. Your parents must be so proud.</p>

<p>Just realized that I assumed that you are male. Classic ignorant bias when thinking about sax players. Forgive me if you are a young lady.</p>

<p>@blerns3, has your myum changed yet?</p>

<p>Haha no worries, I am a male though :stuck_out_tongue: and no prob for the advice, if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask :slight_smile:
@MDgirl no it still hasn’t changed</p>

<p>I’m a trumpet performance major, though I plan to add on a 2nd major in Psychology.</p>

<p>My status on MyUm hasn’t changed yet, but I just received the email from Frost this morning, which stated that MyUm won’t change until they physically mail out the letter, which I was told yesterday would be happening sometime this week.</p>

<p>Hey everyone! I’m a vocal performance/music education major from Michigan!</p>

<p>my status on myUM hasn’t changed either and i still haven’t gotten the actual acceptance letter in the mail, but last night i got the accepted students open house invite and today i got the e-mail from Frost! I’m so excited!</p>

<p>Has anyone received their hardcopy acceptance in the mail yet? Or has their myUM been updated? I’m really excited/nervous to find out about my financial aid lol</p>

<p>It’s been driving me crazy too! I thought it would have been updated today, but I guess not.</p>

<p>Yeah same, I sent them an email but no response yet.</p>

<p>Got a response, they said that scholarship decisions are still being finalized so they’ll send them next week.</p>

<p>Same here!</p>

<p>That totally sucks.</p>

<p>Yeah, a friend of mine who attends UMiami found out for me that they still haven’t finished making scholarship decisions.</p>

<p>really hope it comes out today.</p>

<p>Going to Frost! I’m a vocal performance major</p>