Admitted To Frost

<p>Congrats! Have you got your scholarship info yet?</p>

<p>Not yet. They’re sending out the entire acceptance packages (including scholarship info) later this week. Apparently they still were finalizing those decisions.</p>

<p>THey are having another Singer Scholarship weekend this weekend- so that may have something to do with it.</p>

<p>The status/info has changed in the myUM page; it seems like the package has been mailed; still unable to see the scholarship/aid info; I guess we have to wait for the postal info before the on-line info will be activated; good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>My myUM has been updated. My acceptance letter talks about a $8,000 collegiate scholarship for “academic achievements”. Does anybody know if this is in addition to any possible scholarships from Frost?</p>

<p>On another note, apparently the official admissions packets were mailed out today, and the financial packages from Frost will be mailed out tomorrow.</p>

<p>Ha, I have just received an email about the Admitted Student Open House invitation. No official acceptance letter though. Should I consider this an unofficial acceptance?</p>

<p>Also, I am int’l student, and I really don’t know how much scholarship they will give me, if at all… Otherwise, I will be unable to attend</p>

<p>Well I guess I didn’t get any academic scholarships haha! Anyway, the Frost Admissions facebook updated saying that financial packages are available on myUM but mine isn’t there. Anyone’s there yet?</p>

<p>No, scholarship/aid are not there yet. Guess we’ll have to wait (like for UMN, they give me scholarship 1 month after acceptance). MyUM just shows the official acceptance letter.</p>

<p>No the scholarship/aid will be in the acceptance packages mailed today, and it should be on myUM tomorrow.</p>

<p>My aid page was updated with aid and grant from the University. Nothing from the music school is there yet though, I hope that just means that Frost hasn’t put them up yet and not that I didn’t get anything.</p>

<p>Mine also doesn’t have anything from Frost, so I’m hoping that they just haven’t put that up yet.</p>

<p>Same, are you going only if the scholarship is good?</p>

<p>Yeah. I got some from the university, but extra from Frost would definitely make it my first choice.</p>

<p>According to someone I emailed, if we got one it should be there.</p>

<p>I sent an email to the undergrad dean of admissions about any possible scholarship from Frost. At first glance it seemed to me like it was certain that I didn’t receive anything from Frost. However, when I read it again, it seemed to imply that there may be some difficulty in communication between Frost and regular undergrad admissions… I guess we’ll find out when we get our packets, which were <em>definitely</em> mailed out either today or yesterday.</p>

<p>Geez there’s still nothing about scholarship on MyUM. Start to feel scared…</p>

<p>I received my official acceptance package in the mail. There are two letters of acceptance. One is from the University, the other is specifically from Frost. In the Frost acceptance letter, it says that there is additional documentation from (the University’s) Undergraduate Admissions about any financial aid and/or scholarships being awarded. However, I don’t have any documents in here about that. At first that led me to believe I just didn’t receive any Frost scholarships, but as I saw on myUM, I did get some aid and grants but there isn’t anything about that in here either, so I really don’t know what is going on anymore.</p>

<p>Well, I have found out that Frost is definitely offering me a music scholarship, I just don’t know the amount yet.
It’s definitely not on MyUM though, so don’t give up hope if it’s not on yours!</p>

<p>I haven’t received my packet in the mail yet. However, something that happened with one of my other schools is that once I received my acceptance packet, it took another few days until I received official information on my music scholarship.</p>

<p>How did you find out?</p>

<p>I emailed the trumpet professor.</p>