<p>"Oh, and BB, there’s an MIT summer program for talented math students, I can’t remember the name of it right now, but someone will–perhaps you should check that out for next year? "
Here is the website for Stanford’s summer program for mathematically talented HS students -[sorry I don’t have the info for the MIT program, but the Stanford one is also excellent!]
deadline is in 2 weeks!</p>
<p>Stanford University Mathematics Camp
July 11 - August 7, 2010 </p>
<p>Who is SUMaC designed for?</p>
<p>SUMaC is designed for high school students who will be juniors and seniors in the fall, who have exceptional interest and ability in mathematics. SUMaC is for those who seek to be challenged in mathematics and those who would enjoy four weeks of intensive, in-depth, mathematical pursuits. SUMaC provides an environment that fosters social and intellectual development centered on the study and enjoyment of mathematics.</p>
<p>[SUMaC</a> 2010 Home Page](<a href=“http://math.stanford.edu/sumac/]SUMaC”>http://math.stanford.edu/sumac/)</p>
<p>SUMaC Goals</p>
<li>To bring mathematically talented and motivated high-school students from across the United States, and from around the world, to Stanford University for four weeks of serious mathematical pursuits.
<li>To provide access for these students to advanced topics in mathematics, in a way that is fun and interesting.</li>
<li>To lead these students through topics that are of great significance in the historical development of mathematics, that are important to current lines of mathematical research, and that have applications in the sciences.</li>
<li>To provide a friendly social environment for interaction between SUMaC participants and Stanford Mathematics Department faculty and students.</li>
<p>SUMaC Includes</p>
<li>An intensive course in higher mathematics.
<li>A guided research project that allows students to individually pursue a focused area of interest, related to the course.</li>
<li>A guest lecture series covering a range of topics, given by internationally-known research mathematicians.</li>
<li>Group problem-solving sessions and individual tutoring.</li>
<li>Social events and outings.</li>
<li>On-campus housing and dining, plus access to campus athletic and library facilities</li>