Advice on how to deal with suitemate

<p>Let her move out. You daughter being loud & disruptive is a cause for a complaint. Showering is not. The other girl needs to learn how to deal with noise if she lives in a group setting. Sometimes a shower is how people relax before bed especially during the stress of finals. If the other girl doesn’t like it she can but one of those doordraft stoppers… it would cut down on the noise. I hope you daughter gets a less picky suitemate next semester.</p>

<p>OP with update. Daughter did not physically see suitemate between Thanksgiving and the end of the term (she is home - finals are done). No RA ever contacted my daughter and on her official housing for the spring term the suitemate is listed as still being there.</p>

<p>Wow, kiddie–that’s so odd. Maybe the two of them will just continue to coexist or maybe the suitemate will move out.</p>

<p>I was just thinking that sometimes mere coexisting isn’t such a bad thing…the suitemate could end up moving into a suite where the previous suitemate moved because the person sharing the bath was a pig or a party animal, not just someone who takes a shower at night before bed. Or the idiot could end up getting moved in to share with your daughter. Or your daughter could end up getting the suitemate moving out from the party animal. You just never know…</p>