Alabama Action & University Fellows

<p>My understanding is that Alabama Action is an opportunity for Honors College students to move down to campus early and do volunteer work in the Tuscaloosa area. Is this correct? If so, how much earlier do you move in (maybe an approximate date) and what would be the approximate cost? Also, would you recommend doing this? I’m from the Chicagoland area so I figured that it would be a good way to meet friends before class starts. </p>


<p>I was invited to apply to be part of the University Fellows Experience. I figured I would apply because I was invited to do so, but I was doing some research and I’m still not sure exactly what it is or why it is beneficial to my overall experience at Alabama (I already enrolled by the way). I couldn’t find a website to really explain the program and I didn’t see a discussion on this site–sorry if I missed them though. If you could shed some light on what the program entails, that would be most appreciated!</p>

<p>Thank you for your help and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>In a nutshell, be sure you have looked through this link thoroughly: <a href=“University Fellows Experience – | The University of Alabama”>;/a&gt;
Look at all 4 tabs on the right-hand side for more info.
There are some UA Fellows families on CC who will answer your specific questions soon.
There is a Facebook page designated for IL family members, which can introduce you to many from your area. There is also a UA Parents FB page, which your family can join. Can’t put the FB links here, I don’t believe, but you could hunt around for them on FB yourself?</p>

<p>Alabama Action is described here: <a href=“Honors Action – | The University of Alabama”>;/a&gt; - reading all the way to the bottom will give you the dates for 2014 (which will be similar in 2015). Interesting that the ‘deposit’, as it’s called, is $195. I don’t recall it ever being more than that, in total, which is a sweet deal IMO. Others who have enrolled in this program more recently than my S (3 years ago) will be able to answer that specific question about additional costs. In the past, if you were on a tuition scholarship, the AA tuition cost was covered completely; if you are not on a tuition scholarship, it is my understanding that the $195 goes towards your 1 credit hour of tuition for enrolling in AA and you were liable for the remainder. </p>

<p>The “Actions” (my D did Outdoor Action back in 2012) are great programs. My D thoroughly enjoyed that week, and it really helped get her acclimated to life in Tuscaloosa. Most of her friends freshman year were kids she either met at Outdoor Action or met through kids who did Outdoor Action. She said choosing to do it was one of the best decisions she’s ever made. You get to move in the weekend before regular move-in (less crowded!). I believe the cost for the program was $195, and IMO it was worth every penny.</p>

<p>Strongly recommend Alabama Action or Outdoor Action. Fall 2013, scholarship kids did have to pay the $195. Worth it to our family as well!</p>

<p>If you apply and are accepted to to UFE, then I believe they will want you to do a Black Belt Action program.</p>

<p>UFE gets you plenty of Volunteer experience, leadership experience and additional scholarships.</p>

<p>If you prefer research over volunteering, then CBHP (Computer Based Honors Program) would be better. I have no idea why the program is called CBHP – the name stopped my kid from applying – the “computer” aspect is no more than normal courses.</p>



<p>Like your ds, I was originally put off by the name. Now that I understand the history of the program, I understand the name. The program began in 1968 when computer technology was cutting edge. Kids in CBH today take CBH’s computer courses to replace a couple of the 100 level computer classes. I am not sure of the ins and outs, but i think ds designed a program for a 3d printing project recently. (I know he designed a 3d printing project. I am assuming it was connected to his computer course he is currently taking.) Either way, a name that sounds strange to us today should not hold someone back from applying. My ds loves CBH. He is definitely research oriented, though. He has made a great group of friends with the CBHers and the program has lots of supportive benefits (like their own study lounge area, etc)</p>

<p>The Honors Action Programs are great…move in early, get acclimated to campus, make many new good friends right away! My son did Black Belt Action (one of the Honors Action programs) and met several in the University Fellows program during that week. He regrets not applying for University Fellows. You have great opportunities in front of you … apply for those programs…you can always take yourself out of the running later if you end up deciding that one of them is not for you. Best wishes!</p>

<p>@Mom2aphysicsgeek – I agree the name should not stop someone from applying, but my kid did not agree. </p>

<p>@parkridgesenior – A few years ago, a student could apply to both UFE and CBHP. I encourage you to apply to at least one. </p>