Alabama's app is up?!

<p>My D will be filling out the admissions app today (she was out of town all last week). I have a question about the scholarship app. </p>

<p>If you fill it out now, is there a provision to go back and update it in the fall?</p>

<p>I know that mom2kids has said that it’s better to complete the scholarship app early because there is usually a little extra money for high stats kids (my D has a 35 on the ACT, but won’t be National Merit).</p>

<p>She has good ECs and a few leadership roles, but elections for NHS and BETA (two groups where she has been an officer) won’t be until September. So can she fill it out now and just update it if she becomes an officer then??</p>

<p>I got copies of her transcript in late May so that I could send to colleges as soon as the applications went live over the summer. So is the scholarship application available before you’re officially admitted, but the honors college app only available after you’re officially admitted??</p>

<p>MANY THANKS!!</p>

<p>Oh and BTW, D got 3s on her AP tests and of all the schools where she is applying she gets more credit at UA! Cha ching! ROLL TIDE!</p>

<p>^^ I had the same question and will be contacting my local recruiter on this. When we met with Alison Verhine, Coordinator of Student Recruitment for Honors College last week she specifically indicated we should wait until Sept-Oct to capture some items for senior year. When I told her we were trying to get as much stuff done now before band camp starts she said that early November when State Championships for band are done would be soon enough, she indicated they didn’t start sorting and looking at them until begining of December. … </p>

<p>Has anyone gotten notification of non-auto scholarships prior to the first of the year?</p>

<p>And it looks to be available soon as the page title changed this morning to ‘UA Undergraduate Student Scholarship Application for 2013 - 2014’, changing the year, but it still indicated window for application is passed.</p>

<p>Yes, you can update with later awards/offices, etc, but frankly, those things don’t really matter for Bama’s merit awards. </p>

<p>Merit awards are given for high stats, or if you’re from a certain city/county/high school, child of XXXX employee, etc.</p>

<p>I was confused when she strongly recomended waiting to submit since I had seen here on CC many times to get it in early.</p>

<p>Thanks Mom2ck! We know my D will get the Presidential full-tuition (and are very grateful!) but just hoping to get extra to cover housing costs. Unfortunately my D will miss NM by a few points!</p>

<p>After four years of trolling, my D officially just applied to her first college, UA!!! Roll tide!</p>

You said there is a little extra money for high stats kids. Does high stats mean only high ACT score or does a high GPA count also?</p>

<p>My D filled out the scholarship app (for the 2012-13 year) as soon as it was available last year, but then there were changes made to it and she got an e-mail telling her she needed to fill it out again. So maybe early but not immediately is the way to go.</p>

You said there is a little extra money for high stats kids. Does high stats mean only high ACT score or does a high GPA count also?

<p>No, a high GPA is too common to warrant extra merit money. I don’t remember the exact number, but Bama (and other schools) typically have MANY kids entering with perfect GPAs.</p>

<p>High GPAs doesn’t really affect what Bama (and other schools) is looking for. Bama is trying to improve ranking…and getting as many very high stats kids (test scores) helps with that.</p>

<p>Last year, an OOS mom was upset that her child didn’t receive any merit money from Bama…and they were counting on lots of merit since they had a modest income and Bama was her son’s dream school. Her son had a 4.0, but only an ACT 24 (or close to that). She said that they had “focused” on GPA thinking that would bring in money. They were shocked to learn that his GPA netted nothing. As we know, a 3.5 GPA and a 32 ACT get full tuition. So, a near-perfect/perfect GPA isn’t needed.</p>

<p>After submission of the application, how long does it generally take to hear something back?</p>

<p>And will it be an email to the student’s email address with the login info?</p>



<p>I think it varies. My D applied on the first day the application was available in July and wasn’t accepted until late September. It’s not when the application is submitted; it’s when the last supporting item they need (in my D’s case her high school transcript) is received. She was accepted 8 days after her transcript was received. Other people were accepted a day or two after their applications were complete. D received an e-mail when she was accepted, but I think she could also check admission status online.</p>

<p>That’s good to know…quick turnaround after the transcripts, wasn’t it? !!!</p>

<p>Actually, I meant when an acknowlgement of the app would be received (poorly worded, sorry)… and I HAVE THE ANSWER now. DD just checked her home email and she had an email fron UA!!!</p>

<p>DD sent the app in around 7pm June 30th (weekend), and an email arrived at 1am this morning (July 3rd) with info about opening her MyBama account, next steps for scholarships and housing and assigning her email.</p>

<p>Is this the email address she will be able to keep forever, even after she graduates from 'BAMA? If so, that is SO COOL!!!</p>

<p>yes… always your email address</p>

<p>Okay, stupid question - I can get to the UA page, but where do I check email on the UA account?</p>

<p>NVMD I figured it out. :o</p>

<p>Is anyone able to access the scholarship application yet? I just set up my myBama account, and there’s a message claiming that the time for the 2013-2014 scholarship application has already passed?</p>

<p>I’m getting the same message, as did someone else last Friday.</p>

<p>I’m excited - my transcripts, SAT scores, and application fee have all been received. Just waiting on this scholarship app!</p>

<p>One thing to add on the acceptance part – My D had everything submitted in July - App, ACT, transcripts in July… </p>

<p>UA did not start working “new” acceptances until after start of 2011 school year - we submitted everything first day and recieved acceptance 22 Aug – I just looked back at old threads and that seemed to be the date everything broke</p>

<p>Does anyone know if UA waives application fee for international students?I am from an under developing country and paying application fee is really a problem(both financially and the methods of paying)?So,if anyone knows please tell me all the possible circumstances for which they would waive application fee.</p>

<p>The only students Bama waives the app fee is to Pell students who get fee waivers. It doesn’t waive for int’l students. </p>

<p>You could contact the Int’l office and ask, but I think you’d have to pay the fee.</p>