Alliance of the (considerably) Brilliant students

<p>For all CCers who are (considerably) brilliant.</p>

<p>-All AP/Honors from Fresh year
-4.0 UW
-Must think a 2380 is too low</p>

<p>kill yourself</p>

<p>Already plan on doing so… I only got a 97 on my history test.</p>

<p>godspeed you!</p>

<p>Be creative. I hate reading about stupid mundane **** like when stressed out kids suicide by ODing on pills</p>

<p>hahaha or when such students “try” to kill themselves but somehow mess up… it’s clearly a plea for attention 99% of the time; if they’d really wanted to die, they would have been successful! :rolleyes:</p>

<p>haha I really don’t think you can fail more than that. Not only do people think of you as being suicidal, you’re either too dumb to do it right, or you *****ed out at the last second.</p>

<p>EXACTLY. </p>

<p>if i wanted to go out, i’d do it in a foolproof way. and stick with it.</p>

<p>Geeze… I’m happy not to me a member of this allaiance. So far this thread has consisted of suicide methods… </p>

<p>I’m gona hop over to the happy thread.</p>

<p>Brilliance has nothing to do with test scores or GPA. Most of those people are just workaholics/I MUST GO TO HAAAAHVAD idiots, brilliant kids know what’s important.</p>

<p>I know that… This is a spoof on the other Alliance of (■■■■■■■/Average) thread.</p>

<p>come to the shiny side
all are welcome
allll are welcome</p>

<p>I can’t get into this or the Non-CCers club. Might as well attempt to kill myself</p>


<p>I fail. :(</p>

<p>(desperately begs for acceptance)</p>

<p>I meet all but the SAT requirements. But screw it. I know where my skills are, reason why I can walk into any class and know the material.(Except religion classes, I hate those)</p>

<p>Non-CCers are cooler than anyone in this club. :cool:</p>

<p>“I can’t get into this or the Non-CCers club. Might as well attempt to kill myself”
Might as well. Your club failed xD even more reason too.</p>

<p>I got almost half a dozen people to join, for your information! >:p</p>

<p>EDIT: and that’s why I do :b</p>


Is that even possible at most high schools?</p>

<p>EDIT: This thread should have been allowed to rest in peace.</p>

<p>And all your members forgot about your club. >=]</p>

<p>What was it’s name again?</p>

<p>“Is that even possible at most high schools?”
I don’t know. Is there honors gym?</p>

<p>^^ I think it is. Most NJ schools (both public and private) that I’m aware of allow students to have all honors courses freshman year and a mix of honors/AP for the remaining three years.</p>