Anxious daughter unhappy at school

We are working with a staff member at school to get her leave approved. Unfortunately she was unable to finish the semester, but when she comes back she will pick up right where she left off without a black mark on her transcript.

@Anxious711 That’s great to hear. I wish you the best of luck and good health to her!

@Anxious711 this sounds very similar to my niece’s story. She has diagnosed anxiety. Went away to college. Her first year was actually OK, but things started to go wrong the fall of sophomore year. She had a falling out with her roommate(s) (not sure exactly) and that effected her school work. Parents visited a few times, found out she wasn’t going to her classes regularly, etc. She did end up leaving that school. Came home and did two semesters at community college and secured her associates degree. That was important for her to stay in school so that she didn’t have to start paying off loans. Then, she transferred to a local state university to finish BA and got a part-time job working at a daycare, that she loves. Academically, she is behind schedule, but it hasn’t been life altering or anything she can’t overcome. The community college was a better fit for her and working at a slightly slower pace by taking less than a full load was also helpful. I guess my message to mom is that there are options and changing direction is not a bad thing when it’s the right thing. If my niece had stayed at the other college, her academic record would have continued to suffer and she might have given up entirely. I think my niece is doing well now and has a good outlook on the future.

I have been in your daughter shoes and it’s a very difficult place to be in so kudos to her for realizing that she needs to get help. As others have mentioned definitley get her into counseling ASAP I was super reluctant but have grown very close to my counselor and it has helped me a ton! Best of luck to you both!

Nothing much to add, but form my experience, learning that it is ok to get help and that you will be able to deal with anxiety is a great life skill. I had a lot of untreated issues in my youth (a long time ago!) and I am so happy that kids today aren’t left to struggle alone.

The main thing is not to give up and support it.