Any chance for a UC

The GPA requirement for UCSB ranges from 4.04-4.28. My daughter’s UC capped GPA is 4.00 and fully capped GPA is 4.08. She is interested in applying the economics & accounting major. Does she have a good chance?

It is certainly worth applying. i think your daughter’s chance at UCSB about 40%. Compelling ECs and essays could sway things in her favor. Only a handful of UCs offer accounting so, you may need to broaden your search somewhat. UCR, CSULB, SDSU are all solid programs and are highly likely to accept her.

good luck

I only have data from 2018, but with a capped weighted UC GPA of 4.00, the admit rate (not major specific) for UCSB was 38%. The average admitted UC GPA has risen from 4.13 in 2018 to 4.16 in 2019 so the admit rate for a 4.00 UC GPA has probably slightly decreased.

Economics and Accounting are in the College of Letters and Sciences which does not admit by major.

If she has competitive test scores, strong EC’s and essays, of course she has a chance but I would not say a “good” chance.

She needs to apply widely to the UC system which can be very unpredictable.

More data for UCSB 2018 applicants and admits (not major specific).
Average UC GPA applicant: 3.90
Average UC GPA admit: 4.28
Average UC GPA enrolled: 4.12

UCSB Freshman enrollment data 2018;
50% of enrolled applicants were in the College of Letters and Sciences- Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences.
10% of these enrolled applicants were in Economics (528).

I have a question - why did the admit gpa lower than enrolled gpa?

That’s craaaazy that the admit GPA average for UCSB is at 4.28, considering that for most people with sufficient AP/honors classes, around low 4.30-ish is the max you can go up to. There must be a ton of high-achieving students applying to UCSB then. I’m a bit surprised UCSB doesn’t yield-protect much apparently, given the disparity between average admit GPA and average enrolled GPA.

@doowife: Enrolled stats are usually lower than admitted stats. Many top students apply to UCSB along with the other UC’s as backup schools but will not enroll. For 2018 data, UCSB had 92,306 applicants, 29,724 admits and 5094 enrolled so a yield of 17%.

@ProfessorPlum168: UCSB does not state specifically if this is capped weighted or fully weighted on their statistical report but the enrolled UC GPA posted is pretty close to their Capped weighted average from 2018. For this year, I saw an article in which UCSB stated their average admitted GPA was 4.32. I believe both 4.28 and 4.32 are the UC fully weighted GPA.

Hello! The average HS GPA for UCSB’s Letter and Science majors is 4.11 and the average SAT score is 1272. My daughter’s UC capped GPA is 4.0 and SAT score is 1380. Obviously, her GPA is on the lower side. Her EC is decent (well-balanced). Essays are pretty good in my opinion. Is UCSB a target or reach school for her?

@doowife: I would put UCSB as a possible target school but the #’s you are posting are for enrolled students in 2018.

Admitted students on average have higher GPA’s and Test scores and the averages for 2019 are not posted which I know will be higher.

For 2018, applicants in the 3.8-4.19 UC Capped GPA range, only 38% were admitted overall. Target does not mean guaranteed but she is within range.

Wow…good to know. One question about UCI - is choice of major considered in selection to UCI?

@ProfessorPlum168 . . . I know this thread is old, but a 17% yield will diminish any college’s stats. I don’t think yield-protect would be the answer; the University would have to reject > the top half of admits.

Here’s a link to destinations of UC acceptances – if you look at the second tab, “Top 25 Destinations” – this dashboard won’t allow me a simple cut-and-paste; I could download but don’t have time at the moment – you have the following for SB’s acceptances:

UCSB, 5,092…17%
UCLA, 2,845…10%
UCB, 2,592…9%
UCSD, 2,336…8%
UCD, 1,288…4%
UCI, 1,038…3%
CPSLO, 632…2%
NYU, 614…2%

So the problem is the other UCs are eating into SB’s yield.

@doowife: UCI admits into the University first and then into the major. They will consider your alternate major if an applicant does not meet the criteria for their first choice major. If no alternate major is selected, an applicant that meets the University threshold will be accepted as Undeclared.

See below for admission information for all campuses:
Division (L&S, CNR, CoC, CED, CoE) matters for admission selectivity.
Within CoE (but not the other divisions), major matters for admission selectivity. Changing majors within the CoE after enrolling is not guaranteed, unless one is CoE undeclared.

Alternate majors are not considered.

Applicants are encouraged to list an alternate major, but not in the same area as the primary major (e.g., Computer Science Engineering with alternate Computer Science in the College of L&S). Occasionally, admit to the alternate major.

UCI admits into the University first and then into the major. In the case that UCI is unable to accommodate all qualified applicants in their first-choice major, those students who indicate a valid alternate major may be offered admission in that major or Undeclared.

UCLA only guarantees review of an applicant’s first-choice major. College of L&S, major is not considered for admission.
Typically do not admit to the alternate major.

The campus does not admit students on the basis of academic major or choice of UC San Diego undergraduate college. Alternate majors are considered and capped majors are highly competitive. Also note: Capped majors require additional pre-req courses and specific GPA to be able to qualify if changing majors. Also if applying to a capped major, select an non-capped major as an alternate.

College of Engineering: Students are selected by major for all engineering and computer science majors. Only applicants with a solid background in advanced high school mathematics will be considered for admission to engineering. This includes high grades in all math courses through grade 11 and enrollment in pre-calculus or higher in grade 12. A student not selected for their first choice major will be reviewed for admission to an alternate major outside of the College of Engineering if one was selected.

Important Note for Prospective Engineering Students: Choice of major does not influence the selection of first-year students, except for those applicants interested in a major offered by the Jack Baskin School of Engineering (BSOE). Freshmen who are interested in a BSOE program should be sure to indicate a BSOE proposed major. Students who do not indicate a BSOE program or who apply as undeclared might not be able to pursue a BSOE program.

Admission by major but alternate/2nd choice major will be considered if applicant does not need their first choice admission standards.

Thank you very much for the info. I learn so much from you and this website. One more question please! Do UCI, UCSB, UCSD and UCR compare applicants from their high schools? If so, how important is this factor in considering an application’s admission qualification? I wonder if a competitive high school increases the GPA and SAT requirements for the students applying to the above-mentioned UC schools.

Yes the UC’s will compare students within their High schools, within districts and within the state.

Here is a link to check average GPA by HS for each UC campus: