Any review applicants heard back from Mays Business School?

What was your sons major choice.

@mollykdolan my mom found the admissions rules on spring semester… you can only transfee into Mays for summmer and fall. They only accept 100 applicants. For freshman, they take 1000 and she assumes that number is for fall only cause they are full after that and is why they don’t take spring admits. Hope this helps.

@1wannabanagE Ok thank you for telling me!

@mollykdolan Any luck, Molly?

@tessty Ok so today I met with two admissions directors (I was able to schedule this a week ago)–I had an hour long conference meeting with them, discussing my options and details about admissions. So here’s everything they told me (actually a lot of valuable information for incoming freshman) and the options that they narrowed it down to (as far as getting admitted)

-I can (and will) submit an appeal by April 15th. They recommended I do this, however, they didn’t tell me what my chances were or anything like that (which I didn’t really want to know, because I didn’t want to get my hopes up).
-My second best option for getting admitted to Mays is to take a gap semester and apply for spring 2018 Freshman admission to Mays (app opens in July and they said they’d work with me to get a decision asap). They believed this was my best option as far as gaining admittance to May’s.
-I can enroll in college classes this coming fall at a community college and apply for spring 2018 transfer into Texas A&M, however, May’s does not participate in spring transfer admissions (only summer and fall for transfers), so I would have to choose a different major (and transfers are not allowed to internally change majors into May’s, so I would lose the opportunity to get into May’s if I chose this path).

They felt strongly that I would be able to get admitted through the Spring 2018 Freshman application and told me that I would have a very competitive app. So if the appeal does not work, I will be resubmitting my ApplyTexas app again. There’s more complications regarding the Spring 2018 transfer app, because they immediately reject you because you haven’t completed a full, true college semester, so you have to contact someone, appeal that as well and have them relook at you (I was already aware of this and they confirmed that yes, you have to do that, but they’d make sure I was helped).

I also asked what the run down is on how they admit students into Mays (based on the three applicant categories: auto, academic, and review). They said that until they fill it up, it’s a first come, first serve basis for auto and academic. So if you’re an auto admit, but you apply late, you more than likely wont get in. She also said that she believed that they set aside about 200 spots for review applicants (specifically for Mays). I asked if those 200 spots are also on a first come basis for review apps, however, I didn’t really get a clear answer. I think they may have felt uneasy with that question, since I applied in August, yet still didn’t get one of those spots.

I also met with a Mays recruiter right after that first interview and she was extremely confused on how I wasn’t admitted. I brought up that I was just told that possibly 200 review apps get into Mays and she said she remembered something like 20% of the Mays freshman are review (20% of 1000 is also 200, so I feel confident that the amount is around there). She was really understanding and curious as to what I had just been told and didn’t have too much more information to provide me with, just wanted to talk it all over.

Oh also, the two admissions directors informed me that they do not offer Blinn Team to anyone who has over 35 dual credit or college hours (or possibly 30hrs…I can’t remember which one). They said Blinn doesn’t like working with these students because they have nothing to offer them and students get frustrated because they can’t take any valuable classes (I figured this was the case and initially knew Blinn wouldn’t work for me, hence the reason I said no to it on my college app).

If you have any other questions or want more detail, let me know!

@mollykdolan - Wow! Very informative and helpful post. Best of Luck to you on the appeals. Keep us posted. We are rooting for ya!

@mollykdolan Thanks so much for the information and best of luck to you!

@mollykdolan Did they say why you wouldn’t have been admitted under your second choice major? You as an applicant were strong enough to get in regardless of major. That is the part that is weird. They accept into TAMU first then assign majors based on availability. So we’ve been told any way. Good luck. You will be successful regardless of how this plays out. But please keep us posted.

@mollykdolan HEY!! I’ve been worried and wondering what has happened to you! I visited the other 2017 Admissions pages but couldn’t find any new info on your situation. But then someone mentioned that you were posting here! I am so glad to hear that you are continuing to pursue your dream of Mays Business School. I so hope that you are one of the very rare appeals that are granted this year. You are an awesome young woman and your future is bright and many people are pulling for you. Someone in TAMU Admissions had to have been sleeping or ill when they passed up your application. BIG HUG!! Hang in there! Please keep us posted. :slight_smile:

@1wannabanagE Unfortunately, I totally forgot to bring up that question (they just immediately jumped in on what to do & how to get into Mays)…however, if I had gotten into communication, I would have had to stick with that major (you can only do an internal transfer to Mays if you have under 60 credits, 30 of which have to be from A&M–I’ll already have 44 when I graduate, so I’ll be over the max). So I mean, I probably would have taken it, but oh well.

@AggieMomAgain Thank you so much–that means a lot to me! I’ll definitely keep you updated (they said the appeal decision only takes a few weeks, but they also didn’t give me the impression that I had a high chance, so who knows)!

@mollykdolan - you said that “you can only do an internal transfer to Mays if you have under 60 credits” but I understood that the only way to get into Mays is at “points of entry”, meaning, as a freshman admit, or transfer into A&M. I understood that in the schools of Engineering and Mays students already admitted to A&M under a different major may not request a change of major into either of those schools. Am i wrong? (I hope I am.) Please someone correct me? Pretty please?!?

@addicted2MT I was told by four different people (admissions directors, mays recruiter, and admissions counselor) that you can do an internal transfer to Mays, but only if you were admitted as a freshman (just have to have less than 60 credits–if you have more you have the appeal, but then your chances keep getting slimmer). I also believe you can’t request a change of major into Mays until summer of fall (so you have to complete fall and spring semester in your original major). That being said, I don’t think you’re guaranteed in…it’s still a very tough thing to do.

The situation in which you can’t do an internal change into mays, is if you initially were a transfer student into A&M, got into the major you chose, and then tried to change majors into mays. That’s when they don’t allow it. This is because usually these students are wanting to transfer into A&M & Mays, didn’t get in Mays, but did get into the university, and then tried again next semester via a change of major. The directors said too many students try to get around this, that’s why they don’t allow it.

OK, so if my son gets into A&M as a freshman for another major, but not into Mays, there is a possibility that he could transfer into Mays after freshman year? Do I have that right @mollykdolan ? If so, I’m gonna dance a jig!

Yes it is possible to do a change of major into Mays. See number 3 in the below link.

@mollykdolan my daughter is in a similar situation with great stats. Her Dual and AP hours hurt her also and was offered PSA also. We are hoping to appeal also-according to the website you have to get an admission counselor to open that option up for you by answering some questions. Meeting with them this week. I believe we qualify for an appeal based on an extenuating circumstance not mentioned in application. Did you have to answer questions prior to them offering you the appeal option? Just trying to get her prepared.

@aggie95 I spoke with an admissions counselor and she just told me to refresh my AIS webpage and that’s when my appeal tab popped up…I didn’t have to answer any questions, but I’d also already spoken with her before I received my decision, so maybe she just skipped over that. Hope this helps!

Thanks @mollykdolan. Wish you the best of luck.

@mollykdolan When is your appeal hearing?

I just recently submitted the appeal - the directors told me that the committee meets every friday, so hopefully I’ll know in a couple weeks (I’m not sure how many they have to go through)! @1wannabanagE

Good luck!! Can’t wait to hear you got in!!!