Any transfer students for Spring 2013?

<p>Hi Guys,
Let's discuss about the processing, results whatever here for spring.
First Question, in which semester they take more students as tranfser? (Fall, spring)</p>

<p>I applied for Spring 2013 transfer to the College of Engineering. Not sure what the acceptance rates are for transfers into Engr. or other majors.</p>

<p>I applied for spring 2013 transfer to mathematics major. My status did not change yet, and it said your application received.</p>

<p>If you guys don’t mind, plus leave your conditions like GPA, collected credit hours in/state and for what your.</p>

<p>3.275 GPA</p>

<p>+50 credit hours</p>

<p>involved with 2 EC’s</p>

<p>Started an online Business</p>

<p>2 letters of rec</p>

<p>good essay…</p>

<p>what are my chances?</p>