Anyone know what's up with the Cornell hockey team?

<p>They were outshot 41-18 tonight against Colgate and 43-19 against Princeton last week. This is a huge deviation from the bruising defensive style they played when I attended Cornell (back when they held opponents to 10-15 shots a night). Did they change strategy or is this just a crappy team?</p>

<p>I watched the Colgate game on TV and they’re definitely a lot different of a team than I remember them. They’re a lot smaller up front and lack the team speed they once had. If it wasn’t for their goaltender, they would have lost both games.</p>

<p>I unfortunately haven’t been able to watch any video of the team yet this year, and it looks like I will miss out on watching the game live tomorrow night as well.</p>

<p>From what I can gather, however, a big reason why the shot totals look like they do is that the defense has really been able to do a good job of clearing the puck away from the net, leading to less scrambling and general mayhem in front of the net. But this has resulted in opponents taking a lot of low probability shots from the top of the circles.</p>

<p>And Scrivens has been a beast. He is starting to garner… dare I say it… LeNeveu or McKee-esque respect. A 0.333 GAA? Ridiculous.</p>

<p>The team has actually made it their mission to be the best defensive team in college hockey this year. I agree that it is a much less bruising style than what we were brought up with, but with the crack down on penalties this year, you kind of have to play more of a finesse game.</p>

<p>Norcalguy… You are familiar with eLynah right?</p>

<p>We are doing well nonetheless! Beat Harvard too! And ya Scrivens is a complete beast this season</p>

<p>Except for last night, which I would rather not talk about.</p>

<p>ECAC is still showing itself to be a notch below the other top leagues. Princeton represented well but most of the other schools were blown out in non-conference play last night.</p>

<p>They don’t call it the EZAC for nothing. Of course, Harvard takes the cake, giving out the EZ A’s in the EZAC. And the hilarious thing is that even at easy A Harvard, their star goalie got suspended for a year for cheating.</p>

<p>I need to get tickets for a game soon, out of the remaining games what should be some of the more exciting ones? Also how early do I need to show up to actually get a ticket? I’ve heard that if you don’t mind tickets towards the back of the student section you don’t have to camp out early for tickets but can just show up around 10ish to the box office on the friday before the game, is that true? Also how much do tickets for an individual game cost?</p>

<p>Ya…I don’t like to think about out-of-league lol.</p>

<p>The easiest way to get tickets is from friends or acquantances. Once u find out who has season tickets just tell them that you would like to buy a ticket from them if they ever decide not to go to a game (few people go to them all from my experience). If you do this you’ll have a way to go to a good amount of games and get the tickets for a good price. Sometimes I get lucky and my friends who have amazing seats (like 1st row) will offer me a ticket. Just be outgoing about how much you love hockey and you’ll realize that a bunch of ur friends either have season tickets or connections to someone who does (I was often able to get my friends tickets from other friends so I guess I was a connection too lol). Cornell is pretty much one big hockey network haha. </p>

<p>Otherwise, it’s good to use online sites like facebook or eLynah. </p>

<p>I’ve never heard about people camping out for individual tickets like you mentioned but I guess that could be done too.</p>

<p>not camping out persay, but for the harvard game from what I heard their was a sizable line of people at the box office at like 6 am before tickets went on sale.</p>

<p>Cornell -2
North Dakota- 1
tonight was a hell of a lot better than the massacre on friday</p>

<p>Clarkson and SLU(t) are on the post-Thanksgiving carving board next weekend. Let’s Go Red!</p>