Anyone wishing a republican president was in??

<p>The only thing good about Obama is pro-choice and limiting the spending on the war...
I don't like him beacuse...</p>

<p>1) Welfare is stupid - its made for lazy poor people who dont work and never got an education while the hard working, well educated americans have to pay for them.</p>

<p>2) Closing Guantanamo Bay - Is this a joke?? Do we want some of the most dangerous people in the world who hate America more than anything.. ON AMERICAN SOIL. ***!!
also, most of the people who are released go back and rejoin Al-Qaeda</p>

<p>3) Black Reparation money - are you serious?????? Really a bad idea... if this goes through the KKK will be getting PLENTY of new members...</p>

<p>I'm not racist or anything :D... anyone agree, disagree? Post what you want.</p>

<p>Both political parties are worthless, but at the moment I am more concerned for personal liberties than economic liberty, so Obama>McCain by a bit (not that Obama is the #1 defender of individual liberty, but certainly better than McCain)</p>

<p>^ It’s funny you mention that, since Obama’s acquiescence to wiretapping upset a lot of people on the left.</p>

<p>Individual Liberty is stupid… if you immigrate to an ENGLISH SPEAKING country then you should SPEAK ENGLISH! </p>

<p>These aliens, blacks, mexicans and all aliens complain when they can’t get a job saying that white people are the only ones hired… Very untrue… It’s because they can’t speak f***in english properly!! I’m sick of it…</p>

<p>You don’t see a ton of Americans hopping over the mexican border and hanging out at home depot looking for work do you???</p>

<p>a note to the OP, i want repirations becasue that means once they get the repiration they cannot complain furthermore,</p>

<p>i would prefer a libertarian president that actually understood they would slowly have to implement their plans not drastically change the system right away. </p>

<p>i want the US to suceed and if Obama can keep us safe i will be happy just as long we do not become a more socialized nation. i dislike welfare in most circumstance along with universal health care. however, i dont think mccain would do any better than obama.</p>

<p>obama doesn’t support reparations for slavery. i plan on registering as a republican and i don’t like obama’s politics, but even still, that’s a blatant lie.</p>

<p>Obama has only been prez for 5 days! </p>

<p>I don’t know if I wished an elephant was in the White House.</p>

<p>Wait a second lanks… why can’t blacks speak english?</p>

<p>I’m not supporting Bush or McCain… I’m just saying I would rather see a republican president… However I do feel McCain would do a decent job.</p>

<p>I don’t know that there are many illegal immigrants on welfare…</p>

<p>wow… Strong racist OP</p>

<p>hell no i don’t wish a Republican president was in office… we just had one for 8 years and he completely screwed us over.</p>

<p>Ah, Social Darwinism, the tenet of the decidedly upper/capitalist class. Number 1 was just plain ignorant. Those “lazy poor people” probably work many times harder than you. Not everyone has our opportunity for education. Many people actually have to work to just stay alive.</p>

<p>The location of a jail doesn’t matter. A secure penitentiary will do it’s job anywhere. Besides, I don’t think the Cubans are too happy about having the world’s most dangerous criminals living on their land, especially considering that they are America’s enemies and not even their own.</p>

<p>It took us over 250 years to get rid of slavery. Then the guy who emancipated them was shot. I think we owe them 250 years of compensation.</p>

<p>Quasi-Individualist Libertarianism, or maybe even Socialism, is the only way to go. Assuming, of course, that American’s learned how to respect others.</p>

<p>We also had a radically democratic congress the last 4 years… also, if Obama had something like 9/11 happen, he wouldnt do much better.</p>

<p>Well, I did the whole Republican thing for about 8 years. Didn’t turn out so well for me, my family, my city, my state, my country, or the world. But other than that it went dandy. </p>

<p>Look, the Republicans had their chance. They failed. Miserably. Do I really want another 4 years of Republicans? Uhm, no!</p>

<p>PS: Is anyone kind of happy that the OP is a ■■■■■ and hopefully doesn’t really think like that?</p>

<p>I understand that part. You don’t like democrats. But the racism is pretty unnecessary.</p>

<p>Wow. Just wow. I didn’t know anyone could think this way.</p>

<p>I’m rather libertarian, and I find the recent Republican “values” to be a bit too controlling. Though I’m aware that not all Republicans are like this, many of them seem to me to be white-supremacist rich guys who think they have everyone in the world put in their proper places.</p>

<p>English-only laws are pure jealousy. There is a very good reason the Constitutional Convention decided to not have an official language. Anyone who thinks the United States should be English-only is just jealous of people who speak other languages.</p>

<p>If I recall correctly, there is a Constitutional amendment dealing with cruel and unusual punishment. I think there is also a set of international laws dealing with the same concept. Hmm.</p>

<p>And by the way, the title of this thread should read “Is anyone wishing a Republican president were in office?”</p>

<p>I’m not a racist I actually have 2 black friends and one of them is a good friend… I dont mind blacks or any color but if they act like they are stereotyped i have no problem pointing that out…</p>

<p>ultimately america will continue to decline under obama. this is because of china and india and their growing wealth. there just aren’t enough natural resources to allow 2 billion indians/chinese to live american middle class lifestyles.</p>

<p>agreed ChokliRain</p>

<p>It’s possible to be a racist, and associate with black people. Contrary to popular belief…</p>