App Questions

<p>So my regional rep hasn’t gotten back to me since I emailed her on 8/9, so I figured I’d ask here…</p>

<p>Are there really no essays?
Do they accept letters of recommendation?
Will I really find out about admission by 10 business days?
When I get my admission decision will it come with the Presidential Scholarship offer (since I qualify for it)?
Are there other merit scholarships that are competitive that I put myself up for when I fill out mybama’s scholarship app?
Will I have to interview for the academic elite scholarship?</p>


<p>I can only tell you that you are correct, there are no essays for the general application. Short essays for the honors college applications though. M2CK and a number of others can answer the other questions you have. Sorry I was not more help!</p>

<p>Thanks! That was one of my 2 biggest questions, the other being about letters of rec.</p>

<p>If they dont need essays or rec letters than I guess I’ll be applying ASAP!</p>

<p>They do not “need” rec letters. I do not know if they “accept” them or not. I thought you wanted to send them even though they do not ask for them.</p>

<p>What is your major</p>

<p>Only those who become university fellows are considered for Academic Elite. </p>

<p>You must fill out the scholarship app. </p>

<p>No letters of rec.</p>

<p>What is your major</p>

<p>Only those who become university fellows are considered for Academic Elite. </p>

<p>You must fill out the scholarship app. </p>

<p>No letters of rec.</p>

<p>What is your major</p>

<p>Only those who become university fellows are considered for Academic Elite. </p>

<p>You must fill out the scholarship app. </p>

<p>No letters of rec.</p>

<p>Either MechE or AeroE</p>

<p>And i know, I was planning on going for UFE after getting accepted.</p>

<p>Since they dont require letters of rec, would it be good or looked down upon to send them anyways?</p>

<p>I don’t think I’d send the letters of recommendation. They admit purely by stats and it sounds as though yours will be sufficient if you are applying to UFE.</p>

<p>My stats are good. 35 ACT, 4.96/5 W GPA. Will UFE take the rec letters?</p>

<p>Khh, you should consider applying for CBHP.</p>

<p>I havent read that much into CBHP before today, so I was always under the impression it was only for majors like computer engineering and computer science.</p>

<p>Can I apply to this and UFE both? Can i be a member of both? If I had to choose, I’d probably do UFE because I want to try for the academic elite scholarship, but if I could do both I’d definitely do CBHP</p>

<p>CBHP is not limited to those seeking to work with computers. The name is a tad misleading. It is an honors program that has you work with faculty on research projects. They do teach some computer skills, but, it is directed towards helping with research in any field. Read some more about it. </p>

<p>Yes, you can apply to both.</p>

<p>I just watched a video presentation from an ElectricalE major who did research on bluetooth technology for CBHP.
It does look interesting.</p>

<p>I could be admitted to both?</p>

<p>I was looking forward to doing research with professors before I even heard of this</p>

<p>Yes, you could be admitted to both. They evaluate the applications separately. Some are invited to UA to interview for both on the weekend of interviews.</p>

<p>Don’t know why my post posted 3 times…strange.</p>

<p>Computer-Based Honors is NOT a computer science or computer eng’g honors program. It is a research program. Majors in CBH range from Biology to Pre-med (any major) to English to Business to Nursing to whatever.</p>

<p>I expect CBHP to be renamed at some point in the future because of common confusion about the name. So, even thought it was an online honors program…so the name needs to be fixed.</p>

<p>Engineering majors with your stats get an additional 2500 per year.</p>

<p>Don’t send LORs…they won’t help in any way. </p>

<p>Yes…apply to both CBH and UFE. Yes, some kids are in both.</p>

<p>Also…Are you a likely NMF? What was your PSAT?</p>

<p>Awesome, do you have to interview for both? I’m all the way across the country in Chicago, so I’d hope theyd be the same weekend.</p>

<p>And my PSAT was a 180 something I think, so no for NMF. Didn’t know what the test was all about, and if I did I would have taken it way more seriously</p>

<p>CBH and UFE interviews are held on the same weekend. UA pays for airfare and hotel for the students being interviewed.</p>

<p>Note that CBH and UFE have a very competitive admissions process. </p>

<p>While CBH and the Academic Elite Scholarship have very misleading names, I don’t expect the Honors College to change the name of either any time soon as there are people in charge of each who are very adamant that the names stay the same.</p>

<p>What’s misleading about the Academic Elite Scholarship?</p>


<p>I think the name “academic elite scholarship” suggests that it would go to the top academic students…but that’s not necessarily the case. So, that’s misleading.</p>

<p>The top students could be in CBH, but they’re not eligible…which I also think needs to change.</p>

<p>Sea_Tide…exactly who in CBH is “adamant” that the name stay as CBH? ???</p>