Applied 11/18. "3-5 more weeks."

<p>I applied on 11/8. I called early December and they told me that my application had been completed on 11/29 and that it has gone into review.</p>

<p>I call today, 1/13, and they tell me that my application wasn't complete until 12/21, and that I'd have to wait 3-5 more weeks for my decision.</p>

<p>WHAT THE **** is going on? ****ING LIARS</p>

<p>Relax. Yeah, waiting sucks...but being pouty and pushy about it won't get you anywhere.</p>

<p>I don't *<strong><em>ing mind waiting. I am a patient person. I just get *</em></strong>ed off beyond belief when they lie to my face</p>

<p>Just out of curiousity, online, it says "We have received your application and are reviewing your file to ensure we have all materials necessary to make a decision. ". If I called the admissions office, would they maybe have a different answer for me?</p>

<p>For the worse.</p>

<p>My onlien thing said that exact thing way before 12/21 - the day they said my app was finally completed.</p>

<p>Misleading, I tell you. And ****ing infuriating.</p>

<p>Again I must say...relax. Life will go on, believe it or not.</p>

<p>I do think this whole process is not efficient. They seem to be taking a very long time with processing applications.</p>

<p>Roadrunner: I applied a week before you, and soon after it said my application had been completed. Then after they got back online after that system shutdown it said my application was incomplete (they needed fall grades). It was then complete, and about a week later (two days ago) it said I had been accepted. </p>

<p>Don't know if that helps to give you some sort of time frame, but good luck regardless.</p>

<p>RR, that type of tude will get you nowhere in life.</p>



<p>EXACTLY! Thank you!</p>

<p>look, i got deferred from an EDII and rolling school, and rejected from another all on friday, so i was on my last string when i called wisconsin. when they dropped this crap on me, i completely snapped and ranted on this board. im sorry for my attitude - it's not how i usually am. i dont think i had ever heard this much bad news in a single day (on friday the thirteeth, no less) other than death of a close relative</p>

<p>To be honest, you're really not going to get much sympathy from me...or most other people on this board. Most, if not all, of us have had to deal with rejection in the past month or so. Yeah, it sucks...but get over it and grow up. If you can't deal with something as minor as one rejection (and yes, only one...a deferral is NOT a rejection), you have a lot of growing up to do.</p>

<p>Being angry with the admissions office is you realize how many applications they've had to look at during the past few months? And unfortunately (or fortunately, depends on how you look at it) for them, the piles keep getting bigger.</p>

<p>You've already waited a couple of months for a decision, what's one more? You need to realize the world does NOT revolve around you. Now get over it and grow up.</p>

<p>First and foremost, I don't think my being frustrated at the admissions office was unwarranted. If you actually read my post you'd agree to some extent. I went overboard, but my anger was not "ridiculous." It's their job to get these done in an orderly fashion. It's not like they're doing anything other than reviewing applications. If they were doing this all out of the goodness of their hearts, I'd never rant like this. It's their job. I paid them $35 for it, and as their customer, I have every right to be correctly informed, and receiving at least an apology if they have failed to do so. I did not get one.</p>

<p>Regarding your attack on my maturity: I already apologized for my actions, so I don't know what else you want from me. Do you want me to go back in time and prevent myself from posting it in the first place? Should I report the entire thread as an "offensive post" and have an administrator delete it?</p>

<p>For your information, one rejection is by no means "something minor." Additionally, as many others on the board would agree, a deferral is often worse than a rejection, for there is no closure. Fortunately for you, as a UIUC admit, you'll never have to experience what many of us are going through. I am happy for your accomplishments, but at the same time jealous (in a friendly way, of course).</p>

<p>I'm not here seeking sympathy; I didn't even plan on discussing my day with you. I just provided some basis as to why I was angry when I initially posted, so you won't dismiss me as an angry individual. Sure, I didn't handle it maturely, but there's nothing I can do about it now other than apologize.</p>

<p>Just imagine falling on concrete, having alcohol spilled all over the cut and falling again on the same injury, all in one day. I guarantee that you will not be as emotionally stable afterwards as you would normally be. You would have had no time to let the wound heal. That was what I was going through at that particular moment, and I already apologized for it.</p>

<p>I'll send you $35 never to set foot on the UW campus. We don't need people like you.</p>

I'll send you $35 never to set foot on the UW campus. We don't need people like you.


<p>So tell me again how open minded and tolerant people are at UW?</p>

<p>I actually spent time writing my response because I firmly believed in what I did. (Not what I did initially, but my follow up post.) I did not spend 15 minutes of my Saturday night when I could be watching the patriots game to have you dismiss me with two sentences. If you don't like what I'm saying, why can't you tell me exactly what you don't like about it?</p>

<p>I am severely turned off if UW is filled with people like you who can't peacefully interact after an apology has been made. I'm not saying my actions were justified, but I don't understand why you must keep bashing me after I realized my mistake and apologized for it. It's not like I killed someone.</p>

<p>You guys, calm down! Wisconsin is an awesome school and this debate-style conversation really doesn't represent that. roadrunner was frustrated--the college admissions process can get that way so give him a break! He apologized, enough already! There is no need to try to steer him away from campus...that is really unecessary.</p>



<p>Wow, I was done with this thread until I read this comment from you. Please don't make assumptions, when truly you don't know a single thing about me.</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm relieved I got into UIUC...but it's at the bottom of my list as far as where I want to attend.</p>

<p>I was deferred from my first choice school, UGA. Maybe it's just me, but I'm much happier with a deferral and second chance at admittance than a flat-out rejection. Granted, it sucks that I now have to wait another 2 months before finding out whether or not I'm admitted...but that's the way it works.</p>

<p>I wish you the best of luck with UW-Madison, and hope you get what you want out of it...but please keep in mind that you're not the only person that's going through the same process and frustrations.</p>

<p>Being tolerant does not mean accepting punkish, sense of entitlement behavior. If that was a one time outburst due to overwhelming angst, I guess I'll withdraw my second comment.</p>

<p>Frpm the UM board</p>

<p>"and Michigan makes me wait more. </p>


<p>At least they sent me an email to notify that they will take longer.</p>

<p>THE EMAIL:</p>

<p>Thank you for your interest in the University of Michigan. We realize that your application has been under consideration for some time now and would like to assure you that your application is complete. Due to our increased application volume, the application decision process has been lengthened. We regret this delay and hope to reach a final decision as soon as possible. Again, thank you for your interest in the University of Michigan and Go Blue! If you have specific follow-up questions, please contact us at (734) 764-7433 or visit "</p>