Applied to Purdue, still no decision?

Is it just me, or are there other people still waiting for a Purdue decision letter. I applied back in Feb. 17th to engineering.
Still hasn’t received a decision letter. Does anyone know when will that be?

Same problem with me. Didn’t receive my decision yet!

Do you know when we’re supposed to receive the letters? the deadlines are coming up fast

My friend got a decision a week ago and was rejected

I really want to know… Time is the essence and I’m running out because Purdue won’t release their decisions -.-

@Blaschezou‌ if you applied for engineering, sorry to say that it’s already full and they are only releasing rejections and waitlists

How do you know? is there a source?

And why are they sending them out at different times?..

@Blaschezou: You have to @ someone for them to get a notification.

@Dhruv97: See above.

@Blaschezou i’ve seen people with good stats get rejected or waitlisted from recent decisions. Also, since Purdue has rolling admissions, it means that they start filling up spots as they review application. So, the later you submitted your application, the later Purdue will review it and by then there will be a few spots left so most people will get rejected or waitlisted

I emailed them about a week ago and they said that due to the competitiveness of my major, the committee is taking more time considering its candidates. I applied for general engineering.
So is that a nice way of saying that I am rejected?

@Blaschezou: Again, you have to @ someone for them to get a notification.

I visited Purdue this past Saturday (4/11) and the science recruiter told a guy that wanted to transfer into engineering that they’re full and will not be accepting any more students. So, presumably, they are trying to be nice.

Regardless, applying on Feb. 17th is rather late. Particularly since Purdue has non-restrictive early action.

I applied on Feb 2. A friend of mine with slightly lower grades but better ECs applied later but nevertheless got waitlisted. Another friend of mine who applied 2 days earlier than me with much lesser SAT scores and similar ECs and other stats got accepted about 2 weeks ago.

I don’t understand how this works. My decision hasn’t come out yet and apparently computer engineering (what I applied for) is full acc to snappletop.

Oh and my stats : Int’l student, 2080 SAT, 114 TOEFL, We don’t quite have GPA and stuff but I have straight As in every course. Also ranked 2/600.

Please edit above comment if possible @@admins
I had applied on Feb 1 which was the deadline.

Also, I would like to note that my application showed “Complete” till about mid-March when it asked me to send transcripts which I did within a few days. They received it on the 16th though it took time to reflect on their site. Could all this be factors in the delay?

Got my decision today - Offer admitted :slight_smile: Computer Engr

@Guessitplease when did you apply? And stats?

I applied in the end of Jan. A few days ago, I saw on the portal that I was waitlisted, but my application status was still “Complete and ready for review”. And today, I got an email saying that I’m in :slight_smile: (International student for aero &astro engineering)

I couldn’t WAIT for my mail. The first time I applied at age 18 I thought I would be accepted automatically; naming myself a “legacy” since both of my parents are Purdue Alumnus. I got an envelope of devistating rejection. They are looking at your math and science grades mostly. I called Purdue every afternoon 2 years later after my 2nd application & they kept telling me they were waiting for the mail to arrive from Tulane University. I was on the Deans List at Tulane, called again and again. Finally my Tulane grades arrived at Purdue & that day I called, gave them my social security number and I’ll NEVER FORGET: “Welcome to Purdue University. You’re going to start in August.” Graduated in 2007. If you’re 20 or older, APPLY TO THE HAWKINS GRAD HOUSE. The best dorms ever! If you’re looking for a party school, forget Purdue. Good luck & BOILER UP! :slight_smile: P.S. Neil Armstrong is a Purdue Alumni. We’ll set our BOILERMAKER STEPS on MARS too

@PURDUEalumni2007 what do you to tell them when you make phone calls every afternoon? Because when I called, they always asked me to check my portal which (I swear) I had never seen it changed for a bit

Completed on Nov 21, 2016, 4 months past, still receive nothing.