Apply Texas - when does the app open?

<p>A & M's application opens August 1 but is there a way to get your application started prior to that date? It would be great to be able to start building the application now. </p>

<p>My DS has printed the app and has it filled out. Is that the most you can do at this point?</p>

<p>When I applied last year that is what we did. I went through the preview application and made sure that I had all of my responses planned out, including the essays. Then when the application opens it’s as easy as fill-in the blank and copy and paste.</p>

<p>You might want to check with the HS office to see when you can get transcripts. Some aren’t open Aug 1st, and for quite some time thereafter. If that’s the case, you can get a sealed transcript during the summer & send it via the mail. </p>

<p>Thank you for responding! I was beginning to wonder how stupid my question must have sounded. </p>

<p>The school has already told the students their transcripts won’t be ready until 8/1. My understanding is you can still hit send on the application on 8/1 and the transcripts will go directly to the school via Trex…is that correct? </p>

<p>Never a dumb question because we have all been at the beginning of the process ourselves and had the same questions! My recommendation would be to write all the essays this summer, have them reviewed by teacher, counselor, etc. and then, as said above, you can cut and paste them in on 8/1. Yes, if you have spoken with your high school’s registrar he/she can send the transcripts via Trex on 8/1 as well. Finally, my D had a couple of recommendation letters sent by 8/1 as well. So you could coordinate that this summer too. Teachers would probably appreciate the extra lead time this summer and not waiting until the last minute anyway! Of course, that is probably not as critical a step as the rest of the application but nice to have done. Finally, you probably have already sent your test scores to A&M, but if you haven’t, you should do that too. Good luck! </p>

<p>We did exactly what Marisa790 did, and what you’re thinking. And, as NETarrartMom suggested, get the essays written and edited over the summer so they’re ready to go at 12:01 a.m. on Aug. 1st.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! She (DD not DS as stated in my first post) is working on her essays now. So regarding rec letters. I know A&M doesn’t require them but are they a good idea for review admits? She’s stated more than a few times that she feels really uncomfortable asking teachers for rec letters. She’d rather ask her employers who know her personally. </p>

<p>And regarding rec letters- how does that work? Does the applicant request a letter from a recommender and just upload it or mail it or does the writer submit the letter themselves? Can you submit them after your app submission if you are hitting send in 8/1?</p>

<p>Again- thanks! </p>

<p>Rec letters are probably not required but my D did ask a favorite teacher who had already offered. Not sure it made a difference but it was kind of her. We gave her a self-addressed stamped envelope (address you can get off the A&M website for prospective students) and the teacher sent it to the university herself and we never did see it. We also sent her a thank you note a couple of weeks later. Yes, you can upload additional information after 8/1 as well. In fact, I think this particular rec letter wasn’t processed into their system until about a week later anyway.</p>

<p>If I caught it correctly, your D is a review candidate. Yes, recs are considered for admission for that category. I would add to continue to sign up and test on the ACT/SAT you can update your file with any increase in scores until Dec1. Good luck!</p>

<p>Great to know on the rec letters. She did well on the SAT- 2130- but took it again on Saturday in hopes it would improve. Those scores come out the end of the month but she’s already said she’s not taking it again! I think what has her anxious is class rank. Not sure when they will release them. </p>

<p>She got a 2130 on her SAT but she’s not automatic? She didn’t get 1300 on math and reading with 600 on each? If she’s automatic, I dont think she needs to apply on Aug 1</p>

<p>She did get it- she’s not top 25%. </p>

<p>oh, ok. wow. must be a tough school.</p>

<p>Automatic or review candidate – apply August 1st either way. My daughters were automatic acceptances but applying to engineering which, like some other majors, fills up quickly.</p>

<p>Bulbar- it can be a tough school. She was pretty down on herself when rank came out in December so the SAT helped lift her spirits. </p>

<p>NETarrant mom- Definitely applying 8/1- though I hope she doesn’t find out it opens at midnight…I’m thinking I won’t get to sleep through the process. </p>

<p>Thanks everyone here for great advice. Scheduled for an official visit in July so she’s (mom and dad too) hoping to get her last questions answered then. I appreciate the willingness to share information here! </p>

<p>thanks for the advice NETarrant</p>

<p>Not a fan of the rolling admission. Even an auto-admit has to apply early to get the college they want.</p>