Applying for the Honors College

<p>I was wondering if, when applying to Alabama, I should apply to the Honors College at the same time as applying to the regular university? Or should I apply regular now, then apply to the Honors College in a few months once I get my SAT/ACT scores up? I currently have a 1720 on my SAT and am retaking the ACT next weekend and the SAT in a month… I don’t know if what I’m trying to ask is making any sense… but basically what I’m asking is if its possible or to my advantage to wait a few months to apply to both the university and the honors college at the same? </p>

<p>Going through the process right now with my son.
As I understand: he applies to UA, gets accepted, then he can apply to honors college.
I hope that helps.</p>

<p>Thank you @2015pop !</p>

<p>You can’t apply to the HC until you have been accepted…and then the link appears in MyBama.</p>

<p>I am not sure if the link will appear if your stats aren’t high enough. What is your M+CR? I think you have to have a minimum of 1250 M+CR…no exceptions.</p>