Applying for university studies early then engineering?

@MomDizon your son is correct. Based on what you have said, VT is where his heart is, so start there. You will still have options if he wants to change his mind later. Best of luck, although I am sure he will not need it.

@bboop42‌ Thank you. I feel better now. He’ll go to VT. I still hope STEP will become available to him this summer though.

@MomDizon, You are most welcome. Enjoy having both kids at the same school. My youngest son picked JMU over VT. I was heart broken until I remembered it was his life and decision. He still says it was the best choice and is very happy. At least the oldest son at VT does swing by JMU to pick his brother up for breaks to help us out. DS graduates in May with a ME degree and has multiple job offers, so you know I am a fan of VT Engineering.