Are community college courses weighted in UC GPA?

<p>What are the criteria for the class to be weighted? I pretty sure they have to be an a-g course, but I was not sure if they had to be at 3 or 4 units? Can anyone clarify? Also, if one UC weights them, they all do right?</p>

<p>bumpp anyone pls?</p>

<p>yes they are weighted if they are transferable (IGETC). But even though they may be a double class, it is only one credit. For example, a one-semester Spanish 1 course at a juco may cover the equivalent of two years of high school Spanish, but it only counts as one class since it is only one college course.</p>

<p>yes, all UC admission requirements are the same. (Weighting is similar for CalStates btw)</p>

<p>So if a course is 3 or more units and a community college course, but cannot satisfy any of the a-g requirements, will the class still be weighted in the UC GPA like an into accounting class? Also, would a music appreciation class at a cc be weighted (5 point A) and would taking the class look good to the UCs?</p>

<p>only juco courses that are considered a-g count for the bonus point.</p>

<p>Are you sure bluebayou, because this site says otherwise. <a href=“A-G Policy Resource Guide”>A-G Policy Resource Guide;

<p>The classes that are starred are given the bonus point, and the ones with the blue diamond say that those courses cannot fulfill the g requirement. So any course on this website, will be weighted?</p>

<p>the url got cut off, just type any local community college and you will see what I mean.</p>

<p><a href=“A-G Policy Resource Guide”>A-G Policy Resource Guide;