Ask a Current Binghamton University Student Anything!

<p>In addition, if you use an AP class to fulfill a class, do you get a grade in the class or is it no grade?</p>

<p>Thanks so much.</p>

<p>Hi Cheriship,
Thank you for your information regarding SOM @ Binghamton.
It was very helpful. Looking forward to being a part of binghamton in the Fall!</p>

<p>Hi Cheriship,
Thank you for your information regarding SOM @ Binghamton.
It was very helpful. Looking forward to being a part of binghamton in the Fall!</p>

<p>@joshrylin: I found my general education requirements quite easy, because there were many options and I was able to choose the classes that I liked and felt comfortable in. I did well in all of my general education classes. For Humanities and Math, I came in with AP credits.
Aesthetics = Musical Theater
Social Science = Economics (Required for SOM students)
Global = International Business (Required for SOM)
Lab Science = Astronomy Lab
The AP credits do not have a grade factored into your GPA. </p>

<p>@MaryLou1: Thanks! I hope it was helpful!</p>

<p>Hi everyone! My name is Rob and I’m a Binghamton University Student Ambassador. I’m a second-semester freshman, so I’m not too removed from the mad scramble to find the perfect college.</p>

<p>I’m an actuarial sciences and financial economics double-major in Harpur College. I live in College-in-the-Woods. Some of the involvement I have on campus includes being a tour guide (come to our Open House next weekend!), being a Student Conduct Board member, holding a part-time job at the Career Development Center, being involved in the Student Ambassador Program, and being a member of the Actuarial Association.</p>

<p>I just wanted to poke my head in this thread to let you know that I’m available as well if you have any questions for me, especially any questions specific to any of the things I’m involved in or the majors I’m in. I know a lot about all of the programs at the university, though, so I’d be happy to give you any information you need!</p>

<p>^Wow!! all of that and only a freshmen i am really impressed and you are pursuing a degree with a literal 0% percent unemployment rate (AS) Man, you are set!</p>

<p>I guess my question would be what is “Lower Watson” I cant seem to find any information on it. I only know its has to do with engineering programs at Community schools in the SUNY system or something.</p>

<p>Space909: Thanks! One of my big mistakes in high school was not getting involved. I set out to fix that at Binghamton, and I was able to do so relatively easily due to the huge number of clubs and activities available to students.</p>

<p>I’m rather surprised you’ve heard of Watson lower-division classes. Those are relics of an age gone by. Back when Watson started out, it did not have an undergraduate program. What was at the time termed “lower-division Watson classes” was the university’s first attempt at expanding the Watson School of Engineering into a school that offered undergraduate programs as well. At the time, the “lower-division” classes were much less developed then a normal engineering program, and our program still wasn’t really fully-formed. The lower-division classes were wildly successful, and Watson has since developed into one of the fastest-growing engineering programs in the entire nation! We no longer call freshman or sophomore courses “lower-division.” It’s just a cool piece of the history of the college.</p>

<p>Oh my god Rob, I really hope you are my tour guide this sunday, we have so much to talk in with actuarial science. And do you like college in the woods ?</p>

<p>Cheriship and BingUStudent, may I send you an email message with my questions?
Seems like Im not able to send PMs.</p>

<p>Ventura1995: I am actually working all day Sunday, although I’m not sure exactly what type of tours I’ll be giving. If you want to know specifics about actuarial sciences, you can probably find me near the clock tower where tours are releasing from immediately after prospective students are released from the Events Center. I look forward to seeing you!</p>

<p>AndersII: My e-mail is <a href=“”></a>. Feel free to send me questions if you would like.</p>

<p>Do you have any suggestions for off campus apartments? University Plaza and the newer apartments are a little too expensive for me.</p>

<p>Ventura1995: Just realized I entirely ignored your question about College-in-the-Woods (CIW). Sorry about that. I love it in CIW. It’s a really cool community with some nice traditions. We have Casino-in-the-Woods coming up next weekend, actually, so I’ll be busy losing money all night long (but it goes to charity, so it’s for a good cause). One of the other things I really like about CIW is its proximity to the Nature Preserve. The Nature Preserve is right behind my building, and it’s probably my favorite place on campus. It’s absolutely amazing if you like hiking at all.</p>

<p>Hello, is it easy to find an internship around suny Binghamton? Eith paid or un-paid job. I want to do some work related to accounting.</p>

<p>Hi, I have a question.</p>

<p>Is it possible ( meaning, chances being very likely) to interally transfer to SOM from Harpur? </p>


<p>328xi07: I’d recommend checking out this thread, especially my response in it. It explains the whole process and gives some good links to places where you can get all the information: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>feiyanswallow: Our Career Development Center works with around 900 employers every single year in some capacity. These employers come to our college to recruit, do interviews, give information sessions, and post their jobs because they understand that a Binghamton education has an incredibly high value attached to it. I work for the Career Development Center doing job postings, and we have a huge number of postings come in that are internships from across all fields, ranging in location from the immediate Binghamton area to all around the country for summer or winter internships. We definitely have the services necessary to connect you with an internship. If you decide to come to Binghamton, I recommend reaching out to the Career Development Center and seeing what they have to offer your very first semester. It will give you a HUGE advantage when it goes to applying, interviewing, and landing your dream internship or job.</p>

<p>@BingUStudent: You are awesome! Thanks for poking your head here and helping me out with the questions. :)</p>

<p>@AndresII: My email address is Cheriship123@gmail [dot] com. If anyone else has any questions, please feel free to email me!</p>

<p>@Collegesound10: You should look into Hayes or any of the off-campus apartments on this list: [Binghamton</a> University - Off Campus College - Housing - Off campus apartment information](<a href=“]Binghamton”></p>

<p>@feiyanswallow: The School of Management has its own personal Career Services that devotes all its time and energy to the School of Management students. It is quite easy to find an internship during the academic year for credit. The School of Management Career Services has its own Erecruiting site (separate from the Career Development Center) where they post job listings specially for the School of Management students. Thus, a lot of local accounting internships are posted there. The SOM Career Services definitely gives students an edge in placement and does an amazing job at it. The Career Development Center has its CDCI internship program that places students into internships in the local area. It is an amazing program and the staff workers ensure that you are getting real work experience. </p>

<p>SOM Career Services: [Binghamton</a> University - School of Management: Student Resources: Career Services](<a href=“]Binghamton”>
Career Development Center: [Binghamton</a> University - Career Development Center: Index](<a href=“]Binghamton”></p>

<p>@328xi07: Yes, it is possible to transfer to SOM from Harpur. This can be extremely competitive. I have many friends in the SOM who transferred in internally from Harpur. They transferred in as sophomores, so my advice is to take the prerequisite courses such as economics, statistics, and CS105 (Excel class) and maintain a high GPA (3.5+).</p>

<p>Hi I am interested in applying to SOM. I am a foreign student.
I would like to know if it is tough for a foreign student to get internships offered by the employers. What are the prospect of getting jobs after my graduation? Do employers tend to avoid hiring foreigners because of the paperwork? Do you have any foreign classmates who have had such problems I would like to be able to gain some experience after graduating.</p>

<p>Hi, I have a question about dorming.
Can freshmen get a 4-person suite in Mountainview?
And what other dorms have suites for 4 people?</p>

<p>Where can I buy milk and bananas?
Can freshman live in brand new NEWING?</p>

<p>To Peppersmon. I see that you have asked questions about engineering in a few different places. i would suggest that you look up the department and read about it in other sources besides this one. I am not a big fan of ratings and lists because they often use bad criteria but if you read all the sources you can find you’ll learn something. You may want to look US News and World Report and Academic Rating of World Universities. People will say that the ratings are more relevant to grad students. I disagree. A strong department will have state of the art material, resources, advising, classes, classrooms, labs and the like.</p>