Ask a Current Binghamton University Student Anything!

<p>Hi Cheriship:
Thank you for sharing knowledge about SUNY at Binghamton. I’m from UT Arlington, Texas. Now I’m considering further my study in accounting area. I heard from lots of my friends that SUNY at Binghamton is a great place, but none of them studying or living in that area. Would you talk about the MSA in SOM? I’m wondering if I can get some information such about job offers, internships, and CPA exam. Are there more oppotunities to get a job after graduation in NY?(at least better than in TX) Thank you!</p>

<p>Hi, I have a question about the scholars program itself. I’m a high school senior in NYC accepted early action to Harpur for Classical Studies. I wasn’t invited to scholars and I only got an email for the Admitted Students Day for general admission. I don’t want to come off entitled and superior because I’m not disappointed and I congratulate the small group of people who were picked, I’m just confused I guess haha. I’m valedictorian of my graduating class (800 students) with a strong resume, essay, and recommendations. I looked at the Bing Scholars website and it said that invitations are sent out in late Feb and early March under the FAQ but as I said, several people in the class of 2018 Facebook page already got invited and they already held an Admitted Students Day. Should I keep my hopes up for an invitation or not? Thank you so much! </p>

<p>This might sound not important… but trust me, for me, it is LOL.</p>

<p>For those of you who dorm on campus and watch the CW Binghamton channel, does the channel operate on a normal schedule like the regular CW channel? I was looking online and it seems that they only show a couple of shows and follow a specific format everyday. For example, Arrow airs on Wednesday’s at 8 PM. Does the CW Binghamton channel show this or not? I’d appreciate it if you could get back to me on this. Thanks!</p>

<p>Can I please get an idea of off-campus cost of living per month?</p>

<p>@ispiratabyblue I’m a Student Ambassador here at Binghamton here at Bing so I may be able to help answer your question. Usually what it comes down to in the scholars program is academics. Obviously everyone who is considered at first has a good activities resume and letters of rec and such but usually those who get accepted into the program have a 97 or above GPA and extremely high sat scores. (usually around 1300 or above). Hopefully this helps. </p>

<p>Hi, I’m an intended business major at University at Buffalo. I was wondering what is the average minimum gpa for transfer students to get in the School of Management?</p>

<p>Hi, I’m a high school senior and I really want to go to Binghamton. I was wondering if you could tell me if I have a chance of getting in, I have a 4.0 gpa, SAT scores (630M and 580 R) so 1210 without writing, a 24 on the ACT, took 3 AP classes and am currently taking 2 more, part of National Honor Society, in the top 5% of my school, have an advanced regents diploma, have taken honors classes since 9th grade, and did 150+ hours of community service. Do you think I have a chance of getting accepted regular decision? Thank you!!</p>

<p>What major did you apply to? I would say you have a good chance if it’s Harpur, if it’s SOM you want, still a good chance, just would be more difficult to be admitted.</p>

<p>College in the Woods (an older community) is closest to the Union, Mountainview has nice suites and good dining room is up on a hill and a steep walk up and down especially in the snow (and it snows a lot) Dickinson is new so is Newing but far - Hinman is ehhh</p>

<p>Do you get to choose your dorming community? If so which one has the most freshman and which is best for parties ? </p>

<p>You can put your preference but you might end up anywhere. I dunno, there’s freshmen everywhere. Probably Newing is the most party heavy. Lots of frat people live there and it’s generally loud and bustling on the weekends. CIW is very chill as far as making friends / hanging out. Dickinson might be similar to Newing, but I’m not sure-- they totally rebuilt it my last year there and I’m not positive about the new reputation.</p>

Newing definitely has the most freshman but it’s also pretty far from everything on campus. ciw is also pretty social. dickinson and mountainview are the nicest dorms but it’s not as social as the other two. hinman is pretty much everyone’s last choice but i know some people who live there and they love it

Hi i just had a quick question if i was admitted for spring 2016 and waitlisted for the fall do you think I have decent chances of getting in for the fall? and if not do you think it would be worth it to transfer in half way through the year?

I’m in SOM, and I’m currently trying to plan my schedule. I heard that credit hours don’t matter as much as the course load for the classes do; right now, I’m planning to take 17 credits in the fall. I figured that wouldn’t be too bad seeing as they preplanned 2nd and 3rd to also have 17 hours.

CQS III (req) - 2
MGMT III (reg) - 2
LING 380E: Writing for the Soc Sciences © - 4
MATH 220: Calc for Business & Mgmt (req) (M) - 4
ECON 160 (req) -4
RHET 246 (O) - 1

Does anyone know how heavy the course loads for these classes are? Especially the required ones.
I’ve already taken Macro so Micro shouldn’t be shockingly new. Also, in case you were wondering, “why not just move rhet to the spring”, I decided to take it in the fall since it’s supposed to help prepare me for oral presentations throughout college. I’m not the best at those. Overall, do you think this is an okay first semester schedule?
Thank You :slight_smile:

My S applied back around the time of this thread.
He had 1400 SAT M+R with high gpa, academically related awards and ec.

While accepted, did not get the invite for scholars program. Did not get any merit scholarship.
To be honest, was one of the only schools he did not get into the honors/scholars program, nor merit. Did not make us feel warm and fuzzy.
He ended up attending an Ivy as it turned out,
so merit and scholars were not of course mandatory (Ivies do not have) but the scholars program is a mystery and dropped the ball on this one.

Congrats to your son but what do you mean dropped the ball? Many students have those stats and they only invite a few to scholars. Also afaik Binghamton does not really give merit scholarships to incoming freshmen.

Hello. I hope your offer of advice still stands. I am a high school junior and I would like to attended Bing but I am nervous that my grades aren’t doing so well. Do you mind sharing your junior year grades? I had a 96 (unweighted) avg freshman year (i took 3 honors classes), a 95 (unweighted) sophomore year (2 honors and an AP), and first marking period of junior year I had a 95 average. However, second marking period my average has dropped to a 89.8. It’s terrible. I am taking 2 honors classes and one SUNY calculus course. I attend a trade school and therefore 3 of my classes are my major, so I try to take as many honors as I can fit into my schedule. I still have 2 marking periods to bring my grades up and will try my hardest to. Do you think I have any chance?

@drivendedication Sorry that it’s not coming from OP but I was just accepted to Binghamton yesterday, can’t remember exactly what I got my junior year but my unweighted GPA overall was 91. Bing looks at a lot more than your GPA so don’t worry too much about the one marking period just make sure you’re involved, challenged, and do well on your SAT/ACT. good luck

@waitingpatient Thank you and good luck wherever you go!

Hello. I asked this question on another thread but didn’t get any response. I got into BU CCPA but now not so sure. How hard will it be for me to cross-register in another school? Or to transfer to another school in sophomore year?