Ask a current Senior anything about the school and the on/off campus life

Hi everyone, I’m a senior in the SOC majoring in Electronic Media and Computer Science and I have friends in most other schools at UM. I’m here to answer any questions you may have about the school / surrounding area / nightlife / classes / etc. Fire away

What is the best dorm for freshman? And how do roomates work? I looked it up and i think i overthought and confused myself

What percentage of sophomores, juniors, and seniors live on campus?

Most of the Freshman end up in Hecht or Stanford and few overflow goes to Eaton.
Hecht is more of a Party Atmosphere and Stanford less Party. Once you pay Deposit you can put a profile about yourself and see if it matches with others. All done via Cane link. If you don’t get anyone then housing will place you with someone like minded…

Could you try and describe the rigor of the classes? (i.e. how much homework, time spent studying, clarity of professors) Have you lived on campus? And if so, did you like it? How nice are the students/faculty and the people nearby the campus? Overall, did you enjoy your experience and do you feel like it was worth the money? Thank you!

I apologize for making this thread and then disappearing. Yes Hecht and Stanford have this party atmosphere, some of it stems from the fact that Stanford has the dry floors. Stanford also tends to have more music students as it has practice rooms. But really its about who you surround yourself with. Roommates work just as how dadfor2014 described. You fill out a survey, you’re able to see your matches and converse with them, and then if you decide to live with one of those people you put it into the housing app and it rooms you together. If you don’t add someone, it will pair you with someone who has the same interests and sleep sched as you. Don’t feel forced to find a roommate online before coming to campus. I did and it didn’t work out, and then my random roommate I moved to worked out great

I don’t know percentages, but most sophomores live on campus. Once you get to living in the UV (the on campus apartments) your junior and senior year it can end up being cheaper to live off so it tapers off as you get older.

Could you try and describe the rigor of the classes? (i.e. how much homework, time spent studying, clarity of professors)
This really depends on the program and who you get for professors. I tended to be fairly busy with hw, most classes have either one thing due a week or a larger project you had to be constantly working on. Studying again depends on the class, for my Comp Architecture class I studied off an on for about 2 weeks beforehand. Whereas my 100 level geology class I studied the few days before.

Have you lived on campus? And if so, did you like it?
I lived on campus my first two years. They pretty much force all freshman to live on campus and because you’re a freshman and no one has cars to look for other places, you live on campus sophomore year. I enjoyed it, there’s a ton that goes on through clubs or events on campus and when you live on campus its way easier to get to those events. Dorm life is also really nice, when you want to hang out with a friend he’s right down the hall.

How nice are the students/faculty and the people nearby the campus?
Student’s and faculty tend to be pretty nice. All the places near the campus in terms of restaurants or stores are nice and know they are catering to students.

Overall, did you enjoy your experience and do you feel like it was worth the money?
I really enjoyed my experience here. And I do feel like I got enough for my money.