Ask a UA Student

<p>Since our new load of first-years should be coming in soon, I figured we needed a thread like most of the other schools have! I think I’ve spent almost every day of the last two years on campus, so if anyone has questions [that aren’t about chances of being accepted], feel free to post them!</p>

<p>I’m helping my daughter pick up all of the things that she will need (she is an incoming Freshman) and I was wondering what most people use to carry around their books? We were looking at a laptop backpack. What are other ‘must haves’ you recommend that aren’t on the school’s list? Also, what are your thoughts about the Kaibab-Huachuca dorm? Thanks!</p>

<p>I personally use a tote bag and laptop sleeve, but I don’t find it very efficient. Most people I see use backpacks [if they have a laptop or are guys] or tote bags [if they’re girls who don’t carry laptops or use laptop sleeves]. I think the laptop backpack is a great idea, and it definitely wouldn’t look out of place here.</p>

<p>I’ve spent two days [not any time overnight] at Kaibab-Huachuca, and one of my friends lived there last year. He didn’t enjoy it much since he felt like it was far from the center of campus compared to most of the dorms. [It DOES seem far away at first, but the campus shrinks so much after the first few weeks.] It’s sort of close to the Fine Arts quad and our smaller student union, so there isn’t anything great nearby. If your daughter doesn’t mind a little walking though, it’s a nice dorm. The downstairs has a HUGE room where people hang out, and I hear it’s fun to spend time in there. The rooms are some of the biggest on campus, and it’s one of the few dorms I haven’t heard bathroom horror stories from.</p>

<p>My best advice about the dorm: if your daughter plans to have her classes later in the day so she can sleep in late, plan to invest in something to cover the windows. They have blinds, but it’s the sunniest dorm I’ve ever been in.</p>

<p>Some of my classes are 10 minutes apart. If I walk fast, is that enough time to get to the next one?</p>

<p>Also, thank you for doing this. I think we all appreciate the help!</p>

<p>If you let me know the buildings you plan on running between in 10 minutes, I can give a better answer.</p>

<p>In general, though, it sort of depends. Science majors tend to have most of their classes grouped in the science quad or along the mall, so it’s definitely possible to get from, say, PAS to Koffler or from Koffler to Modern Languages. However, if you’re combining several types of classes [like science and theatre] and your classes are divided between the science quad and fine arts quad, it’s harder. [It’s pretty hard to get from Koffler to Drama.] But it really depends on the building and how fast of a walker you are.</p>

<p>Well, the whole backpack vs. tote is what we are trying to figure out. Since she is a girl, she doesn’t want to look awkward carrying around a backpack, but I think that it will be less cumbersome than a tote or messenger bag. </p>

<p>She is majoring in Theatre, so she had hoped for one of the dorms right in the FA area, but got this one instead. My biggest concern is that the class requires many late nights and I hate the idea of her walking any distance on campus at night. I know they have safe walk & ride, but wonder if she will really use it. All of her classes start by 9am, but it’s great advice about window coverings for days off and weekends.</p>

<p>BTW…what is your experience and/or thoughts about the CatTran? My daughter has a dance class clear over by the stadium area. We were thinking that she could use the CatTran to get from her dorm to that class in the morning and then back again (class is over by the stadium).</p>

<p>I’ve noticed that most girls in science have backpacks and most in the fine arts have tote bags [since none of their classes usually involve taking notes to an extent where a laptop is needed to keep up]. She’d look more in-place on her side of campus with a tote bag, but if she has some classes outside of the fine arts quad, she’d look fine with a backpack. It’s definitely less cumbersome to use a backpack, though. Also consider whether she’ll be riding a bike around [definitely want that backpack for that]. I think my personal choice would be to get a backpack and then ‘dress’ it up a little if I wanted to fit in more with other people in the fine arts; every time I go to that part of campus, I’m just so impressed with their fashion sense and how they manage to personalize everything they wear. </p>

<p>Walking around campus at night is relatively safe [saying this as someone with 9pm exams a lot of the time], but I totally understand your concern. So few people use SafeWalk/SafeRide [and this is from someone who sort of works with them]. She should consider getting on the dorm transfer list to move somewhere like Coconino. Until then, my best advice unfortunately is to just find a group of people from her theatre classes to walk with at night for now. That’s the biggest downfall of late classes.
[On a totally unrelated side note, I’m a theatre minor. Whoo! Nice to find someone else!]</p>

<p>I’ve been using the CatTran like crazy this summer while working on campus. It’s an awesome help. Never completely crowded, runs all over campus, pretty speedy. I love it. If her first class is dance, definitely go for the CatTran in the morning. If she’s ever trying to use it for a 10 minute gap between classes, though, I’d be a little hesitant because it does have minor delays [which mean a LOT in 10 minutes].</p>

<p>Thanks so much!!! As I said, she is a Theatre major (currently BA, but auditioning for BFA in spring) but because of the major requirements, she has 4 classes outside of the Arts area. Currently, she plans to sometimes carry her laptop (she is also a writer, and plans to spend lots of study time in the library) but I know she won’t want to look out of place with the theatre crowd, so I guess for now we will go with a tote (do you mean a messenger bag or just the regular open style totes?) and she can always assess how she feels it is working for her within the first few weeks.</p>

<p>We thought about the transfer thing, but she has already met her roomie and she felt like it would be awkward to switch things up again in a couple of months after she is settled and everything. Guess she’ll have to stick it out this year, and just make sure she gets into Coconino next year.</p>

<p>SO GLAD to find another UA Theatre student! Can you give me (us) a candid opinion of the program (you can write me privately if you prefer). What do you think of the classical (Stanislavsky) training? The professors? The cut program? Are the theatre students happy? Are they genuinely friendly with each other, or more competitive? Anything you would be willing to share would be so appreciated!</p>

<p>For tote/messenger bags: either would fit in around there. I think they’re both equally common, and the only difference really tends to be whether the wearer is carrying more stuff or not.</p>

<p>It shouldn’t be too bad going back to Kaibab at night. Even though this never makes mothers feel safer, I did spent an entire year having exams at night on the north side of campus when I lived on the far south side [which I would argue has WAY higher incidents of crime than where Kaibab is], and I only ran into trouble once [or at least thought I was in trouble – the police came before I had to confront anyone]. Definitely recommend her to try out SafeWalk at first since it is a great program, and I know that all of the walkers I’ve met have been incredibly nice. If not, just remind her of the benefits of walking in groups, always keep her bag on her side furthest from the street, stay in well-lit areas, et cetera, et cetera.</p>

<p>I actually haven’t taken any classes in theatre yet – only just took on my minor at the end of last semester after realizing I couldn’t give up tech and acting after spending nearly a decade in the theatre. However, I have at least a dozen close friends who are in the acting program, some of whom got into BFA and some of whom didn’t. I’ll pass your message along and see what sorts of responses I get. From the number of times I’ve hung around the theatre department, though, everyone seems amazingly friendly. The students there are just such genuine, kind people. If they like you, they love you. If they dislike you, they don’t lead you on and pretend to be your friend, but they don’t act aggressive or rude. Teamwork seems to be such a major part of it that I really can’t imagine any of them being competitive. It’s like everyone thinks of themselves first, but every ounce of effort possible goes into helping people who are stumbling.</p>

<p>Heya! I have some questions!</p>

<p>Sooo, I’m really not at all sure which major to take. My folks are really encouraging me to do business. I know Eller is supposibly a super great school and all, but i’m really curious what type of reputation Business students at UA have. x) What seems to be the general opinion of them?</p>

<p>Also, do you know anything about UA’s Music program[s]? I’m considering minoring in something like Music theory or music composition or something like that. Also contemplating whether or not I should join Orchestra (I play the flute). Do you know any one majoring in Music studies/in orchestra? What do they think about it?</p>

<p>Finally, I’ve been studying Korean for a while now. I don’t plan on studying abroad until my Sophomore year, but is it easy to find and make friends with international students at UA? I’d really love to make some friends who could practice the language with me, y’know. Kinda a weird question, but oh well.
Thanks so much for your help! =D</p>

<p>Manzie-Mo has a lot of fine arts people due to the proximity of the fa buildings.</p>


<p>My sister is actually in the business school! [Well, she’ll have graduated by the time you get here.] Firstly, our business school is pretty well-ranked. However, it feels like there are so few students in there; maybe I just see everything as really insular because it’s so far from my major, but it’s so rare to meet someone in the business school. I think that because of that, they don’t really have an actual reputation to speak of. It’s one of those majors were the people actually are diverse enough that they can’t be stereotyped. Between the two business majors I know, one is a total party girl who couldn’t care less about school, and the other is totally stiff-lipped and extremely into academics.</p>

<p>One of my friends just graduated the music program and LOVED it. She said there’s a lot of emphasis on being able to create instead of just mimic, and the professors are really helpful with getting you to produce something personal. [I believe she was in music composition, by the way.] However, I don’t know anyone in the orchestra, so I’ll have to look around to see if I’m missing someone.</p>

<p>I’m friends with a lot of international grad students who are extremely nice and friendly. I’ve never made friends with an international undergrad, though. Like most colleges, they travel in packs and stick together, and I’ve never had any interest in getting into one of those packs. I imagine it’s possible, but international students always seem like the one group that is extremely hard to infiltrate. It’s worth a try, though! Luckily, we have cultural centers, including one for Asians, were international students like to hang out. I’m sure someone would be willing to help you with Korean or possibly be friends with you from there.</p>

<p>@dudedad: Thank you! I was having the hardest time remembering the name of that hall. Yes, lots of fine arts people are in there. I think every friends of mine in theatre stayed in there.</p>

<p>I live in Southern California and ill be a Senior this year
I have a 1790 SAT Score and my goal is to bring it up somewhere near the 2000. My SAT II Score is 1310 and my goal for that is around 1410. Then my ACT is 29 and my goal for that is around 32. And now your probably wondering why am I worried… MY GPA is a 2.7!
Ive done sports, been in clubs and have almost 100 hours of communite service and ive been in AVID for 4 year if that does any good. Also have passed APUSH and AP Lang Exams and will be take 4 AP this year.</p>

<p>What my chances for getting into U of AZ?</p>

<p>Hey! I am an Arizona resident with a 3.5 unweighted GPA and a 3.9 weighted. I don’t really have alot of EC’s, just a few clubs, but I did volunteer at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix this summer. I got a 30 on the ACT and an 1820 on the SAT. What do you think my chances are to get accepted into the the U of A Honors College?</p>

<p>Like I mentioned in the first post, I generally don’t do chances. However, I’m pretty sure you’ll get in ron2324; if you manage to get your SAT and ACT scores up as high as you expect, then you should be in. I’ve seen people with lower GPA and scores manage.</p>

<p>For rdsox2899… I won’t even try with Honors chancing. It’s so incredibly random. I’ve had friends with 3.9 GPAs and great stats get rejected while 3.5 students with decent ECs/test scores don’t. It feels totally random. Just remember to include a personal statement with your application.</p>

<p>Thank You Atomic, I’d also like to know how is there Pharmacy Program maybe you know anything about it?</p>

<p>The summer before my freshman year, I attended a lecture in the College of Pharmacy, and I remember loving it so much that I considered going into it. [Only reason I didn’t was because there are a few other fields I prefer.] Several of my friends are going into it soon, however.</p>

<p>We have a pre-pharm program for undergrads, as well as a club to go with it. That’s pretty similar to the pre-med path. The PharmD program is pretty selective with a lot of high-scoring students [both in terms of GPA and PCAT]. They’re very involved with research, at least in the lab that I work in. The entire medical half of campus always has great programs and lectures for students who are trying to figure out specific fields they are interested in or to find professors to work with. Overall, I hear great things from our program.</p>

<p>Yeah the PharmD program is like 9th in the nation. So if i would want to join would i apply 2 years after im Arizona, as in finish my GED and then transfer to PharmD?</p>

<p>From what I can understand, you’d take your GED, get into pre-pharm anytime in undergrad as long as you can finish your requirements by graduation, take the PCAT by the beginning of senior year and volunteer in a pharmacy, apply for Pharmacy School, and begin once you finish your undergrad. </p>

<p>There’s a little more info on it here: [pharmD</a> - College of Pharmacy - University of Arizona](<a href=“]pharmD”></p>

<p>Thank You.</p>