Ask a UA Student

<p>ron2324: U of A doesn’t look at standardized test scores for admission, only for scholarship consideration and honors college. My son - who is leaving tomorrow for his freshman year - got in with a 2.92 overall gpa, and a 2.7 academic gpa. I wouldn’t even think about your SAT or ACT scores in regards to U of A admissions.</p>

<p>So I should start looking for scholarships, from left to right haha. Btw when it the 1st day and the last day.</p>

<p>And Idk I’d get any scholarships from U of A, considering my GPA.</p>

<p>A lot of the UA scholarships are based on previous awards (like National Merit, AIMS excelling, and stuff like that), but there is the Wildcat Excellence Award. You’re probably right considering your GPA and scores, so definitely check out outside scholarships. </p>

<p>There are academic calendars at: [Academic</a> Calendars, UA General Catalog](<a href=“]Academic”></p>

<p>This year, the first day is August 23, and the last day is May 12.</p>

<p>Are you a business major? Could you give me any insights for the MIS program? Its nationally ranked and in the top 10.</p>

<p>Sorry! I’m late getting back to you, but is Forbes to Modern Languages possible in 10 minutes? Also, where is the MP ILC? Is that the underground area in the mall?</p>

<p>Thanks again,

<p>@OG-J: I just walked Forbes to Modern Languages to check, and it took me about 6-7 minutes at a pretty average pace. (I’m only 5’8", so my legs aren’t super-long, either.) It should be doable! The ILC is below the mall, yes. If you look on a campus map, it’s on that strip of mall north of the library but south of Education. </p>

<p>@gotmilklol: I’m a biology major, but my sister is a business minor. (Not major.) Unfortunately, I don’t know a ton about the MIS program other than the fact that it’s very well rated and pretty difficult to get into. Everyone I know looks at Eller with respect, and it seems as though our business grads do well after getting a degree.</p>

<p>How is the campus life there? Is there lots to do within the campus?</p>


<p>I can say for sure that there’s usually a lot to do on campus! The weekends are generally dead for those of us who don’t drink, but the week is pretty full of awesome stuff. That’s such a huge question. Is there anything in particular you want more about? Are you into Greek life, certain clubs, sports, partying, etc.?</p>

<p>I see. I’m mainly into clubs as in “EC clubs” like FBLA-PBL and such. Is there lots of sightseeing or anything interesting? Is it necessary to have a car there? Is it easy to get internships there or jobs there? Is the FA generous for out of state? </p>

<p>Sorry for all these questions. I’m trying to decide if I should go here or UT-Austin or U of Minnessota - Twin Cities.</p>

<p>I don’t know much about UT or UM, so I can’t comment on those, but hopefully what I say about UA helps with your search!</p>

<p>EC clubs: We do have lots of business clubs, community service, and so on. There’s a pretty full list here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; and we also have some clubs as programs and services ([ps](<a href=“]ps[/url]”></a>). If you’re into business or something like student government, those are VERY active clubs. Luckily, the first week of school, about 150-200 clubs table so that freshmen can meet some members and find out meeting times.</p>

<p>Sightseeing: There’s an insane amount. Lots of people here hike since we have gorgeous mountains and beautiful sunsets. Also a lot of sightseeing/stargazing if you like astronomy. Some of the dorms set up weekly hiking trips, and if you take the bus or know someone with a car, it’s easy to get to some of the most beautiful places in southern Arizona.</p>

<p>Car: I don’t have a car on campus. The only reason I go further than walking distance is to visit my old high school or to visit my favorite theatre in town. For those, I just use SunTran, the Tucson bus system, which goes everywhere I need to go. I actually know less than five people with cars on campus since everything you’ll probably need is around walking distance.</p>

<p>Internships/Jobs: I can’t speak much for jobs (but a lot of people work on campus), but I’ve had three internships so far. One I just asked a professor, one I got through a club I’m in, and the last was through an NIH-sponsored grant given to the school. Depending on your ethnicity, some big, well-paid internships may be very easy to find. I know labs are easy to find, but I don’t know about the business internships. I have met several business majors who have interned, and I just met someone from one of the big intern programs for business majors, but I unfortunately can’t remember their name…</p>

<p>FA: Out of state fin aid isn’t nearly as generous as in-state, but if you’re National Merit, it’s totally paid for you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t depend much on us giving you a ton of scholarships.</p>

<p>Let me know if you have any other questions! Sorry this is a little rushed, but I have class in a few minutes. I’ll add anything else that I remember later tonight.</p>

<p>It is true that a lot of people do not own cars, but SunTran is not for the faint of heart. SunTran buses serve the entire Tucson area so do not be surprised that most of the riders are non-students. As an veteran user of SunTran, I have encountered demented homeless people, drug abusers, and the like. I am not saying that every SunTran user is like that, but be prepared for a culture shock if you are not used to that sort of thing. Luckily,however, the average on campus student does not need to venture far from the pleasure garden that is the U of A campus.</p>

<p>As far as jobs go, they are relatively easy to obtain through JobLink. These jobs are mainly on campus(work-study & non-work-study) and obtaining one is very noncompetitive. Also, the work environment is very cushy, so you are afforded ample time to do homework or study. Personally, I worked most of the Spring 2010 semester and still pulled a 4.0.</p>

<p>I am currently in the Honors program and am pursuing a fraternity. In order to keep my honors status I need to maintain a 3.5 GPA or above. Should I wait to pledge until I get used to college a little more or is it possible to maintain above a 3.5 during the pledge process.</p>

<p>It really depends on a lot of things, your schedule, your major, the fraternity, and how hard you are willing to work on school work. Personally I believe that rushing would be detrimental to your grades, but if you are in Eller the networking could prove to be invaluable. Also, you could find out that the Honors College is really not for you. Some people get turned off by the extra work, fee, and the Honors thesis.</p>

<p>I am in Eller, as a pre-business major, and am looking at the Beta Fraternity. I am positive I want to stay in the Honors program as I know I am smart enough to do it and like being in that environment. So you think it might hurt my grades this semester? If I do pledge, what exactly would I have to do?</p>

<p>Whats a ZONAZOO and CatCard and how would I get on if I go their next year? Also when can start to apply?</p>

<p>Zona Zoo: It’s the group of students who attend football/sports games. There’s a pass you can buy for season tickets to all of the games. [url=&lt;a href=“]Home[/url”&gt;]Home[/url</a>]</p>

<p>CatCard: It’s our ID card on campus. You need it to get into your dorm and some buildings, use your meal plan, check out books, rent items, get into campus rec, and a ton of other things. You receive that at orientation.</p>

<p>Applying: I know they’re due May 1, 2011 for next fall. Can’t quite remember when they open, but I’m pretty sure I applied in October.</p>

<p>Thank you once again.</p>

<p>How is the political science program there?</p>

<p>My daughter is considering U of A and ASU for Archaeology. Can you give me any comparisons between these two schools? Did you consider ASU? Thanks!</p>