Ask a UA Student

<p>Parent question:</p>

<p>My daughter will be a sophomore xfer next year…do xfer students live in dorms and if so which dorm. Maybe the dorm w/ fewest freshman so she won’t feel too old?? </p>


<p>@Jman: I’m a history major at the U of A so I don’t know a tremendous amount about poli sci here, but I have friends who are poli sci majors. Traditionally the U of A is not known for its poli sci department so don’t expect an experience comprable to Harvard or Princeton. Do expect, however, stimulating classes and intelligent professors. Its a large state school so the experience is essentially what you make of it. Depending on how you do here, I would imagine you could get into the top law schools, the top political science masters programs, and the the top public policy programs.</p>

<p>@Midwestpop: The U of A and ASU are peer schools. They both have strong academic programs and PAC-10 sports. As a long time Arizona resident, the two schools are nearly indistinguishable. Phoenix is possibly a better city, but that’s really a matter of opinion. </p>

<p>@Justafew: She can live in whichever dorm she wants to regardless of the fact that she is a transfer student. I’m not sure which dorm has the smallest percentage freshman. You could call the transfer center and ask for suggestions from them. I would recommend that she looks at off campus housing because it is much cheaper.</p>

<p>Hi AtomicCafe,</p>

<p>I’m a parent :). In your opinion, what kind of student is most likely NOT going to be successful at UA? </p>

<p>And, if you know, in what meaningful ways does UA differ from Arizona State and NAU?</p>


<p>Hi, I have a question about applying to the University of Arizona.</p>

<p>What’s the easiest major to get into?</p>

<p>Or should I just leave it at undecided?</p>

<p>I’m a little late to the party but:</p>

<p>@BflowGal - I think nearly anyone who’s college ready could be successful here. Nothing I’ve done so far (engineering junior now) is really that intense so unless your son/daughter can’t focus or study independently for the life of them they should be fine.</p>

<p>[Here comes some harshness]
That being said, I also think too many parents think their kids are a lot more intelligent than they really are which explains the 50% dropout rate here. Yes you want your kid to have the best advantages in life etc etc but not everyone is made for college. You would be amazed at the number of kids I see in lower-division classes who you can tell right off the bat are only here to waste daddy’s money for 2 years and say they gave the good ole college try.

<p>i’m looking at different dorms at the u of a and Pima is known to be one of the worst halls. but theres free laundry and the doubles come with a private shower and a once a week janitorial clean up! whats so bad about this hall???</p>

<p>How is the Retailing and Consumer Science major?</p>

<p>@paperpeony. The only thing I know about that major is the Family and Consumer Sciences building <em>sucks</em>. Looking at it you can tell it was obviously built in the 50s and not much money has gone into it since then, because it’s the only building I’ve been in that doesn’t have central heating/cooling, still uses chalkboards, and the desks are uncomfortable as all hell wood bolted to the floor. It literally felt like I walked into a more ghetto version of A Beautiful Mind (the portion that’s set in the 50s classroom).</p>

<p>Compare that to the optical sciences building where it’s obvious they couldn’t dump money in fast enough…</p>

<p>Does anybody know about whether graduating from Eller as an accounting or finance major gives a student an advantage in terms of internships, recruitment, etc.?</p>

<p>I ask because I know that Eller is nationally ranked, so I wonder how it compares to the business school at San Diego State University (we live in San Diego).</p>

<p>Is it a big advantage to graduate from Eller?</p>



<p>Personally I don’t think it would matter that much where you go for undergrad so long as both schools are decently well known. I just did a search for you in Wildcat Joblink for Internships in the Accounting and Finance category, and I got 30 results (there’s 33 right now for Internships - Engineering). Currently it’s somewhat an off-season since Fall hiring just wrapped up and Spring hiring doesn’t start til Jan. If you want to see the specific employers though I could print the page out and upload it somewhere.</p>

<p>Thanks, UA! I think you’re right that it probably doesn’t matter all that much for undergrad, but I think UA is better known nationally. I’m not sure how easy it is to get a in California after graduating from UA, though.</p>

<p>Sorry, I meant to say get a job in California after graduating from UA.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when UA sends you the email with information on how to track your application status? I submitted my application a few days ago but have not received any email from UA…is this how it is supposed to be or should I have received an email confirming my application submission?</p>

<p>Oh dude, you should get an email really soon, PEace out brah</p>

<p>I have a few questions! I’m from out of state and will be visiting the University of Arizona toward the end of December.</p>

<li><p>Honors College vs. Regular? I got admitted to the Honors College, but can’t decide if it’s worth doing.</p></li>
<li><p>Dorms vs. Sorority? I’m interested in being in a sorority but don’t like to party. Also, for dorms: regular dorm vs. honors dorm?</p></li>
<li><p>Do you have to pay your enrollment fee to guarantee a spot at the school, and will you be refunded if you don’t end up going there?</p></li>

<p>I’m sure you would rather hear from fellow students than from me–a parent!–but I would say take advantage of the honors program and the honors housing if you can. My daughter is a student there now. She is not in the honors program, but from what she tells me about the regular program, I don’t think the honors program would be too much for you. It could also help you a lot in the future with applying for jobs or grad schools. As for the sororities, my understanding is that most sororities there involve a partying atmosphere, so if you don’t like that atmosphere, you may not like the sororities. You can research the sorority GPAs online and go for the ones with the higher GPAs. As for paying a deposit, I can’t remember how that works. You can research it online or call the admissions office. I do seem to recall there might be a nonrefundable deposit. But I think you have a long time to let them know whether or not you’re coming, so you may not have to pay the deposit to hold a space until you decide. Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Honors College - Doesn’t really help getting a job or anything in my experience but it at least gets you priority registration. I’ve had various recruiters look at my resume and none popped on seeing Honors College written on it; GPA gets your foot in the door and the interview gets you the job. If anything classes are easier though as honors sections since the profs assume you’re smarter and don’t waste your time with busy work.</p>

<p>Greek Life - Pretty much devoted to partying. While sorrority chicks make for good eye candy, they don’t have equally attractive personalities in my experience. I don’t doubt there’s exceptions but I don’t see any real benefit to joining one unless you’re into the whole “friends 4 life, let’s all go to starbucks while wearing the same embroidered backpack” thing.</p>

<p>Honors Dorm - The quality of person might be slightly better in honors dorms but freshman are still freshman. You’d think that all honors kids are brilliant, quiet, and stuidious, but it’s not true.</p>

<p>Deposit - Fairly certain you never get it back. If you’re even considering UA though I’d say pay it just so you don’t end up face-palming yourself later wishing you did because you decide you do want to attend. If you do go to UA though I think it subtracts off your first semester tuition though, but I can’t remember off the top of my head.</p>

<p>Alright thank you, definitely very helpful! Are there any extra requirements that come along with being in the Honors college other than maintaining a certain gpa?</p>

<p>You have to “update your profile” with the honors college every year (online form that takes 5 minutes) to confirm you’re still in the program, but I think that’s about it along with the GPA minimum. They might have some rule to prevent kids from doing honors to get the perks and then never taking an honors course but I don’t know about that off the top of my head.</p>

<p>As a hint, if you do go UA there’s a ton of stuff that you can get honors credits for that are somewhat obscure. For ex, 4/5’s on AP exams can get you a bunch and Engineering wipes out a bunch. I stacked so much going in that I’ve only had to take 4 actual honors classes and I’m done.</p>

<p>So basically you just have to acquire a certain amount of honors credits and maintain your gpa? Also, I’ve been looking at housing and am trying to narrow down my top choices. What do you know about Posada San Pedro, Pueblo de la Cienega and Villa del Puente?</p>