Ask Almost Anything About UR!

I have another question for you, since you have been so helpful! I was not selected as a Scholar, but is there any other way to receive merit scholarships from Richmond? I do not think financial aid will be enough for my family and I love UR!!

@mrc4081 yes, there are other scholarship opportunities! Some of the departments have scholarships, although I think the deadlines have passed for those. There is also the presidential scholarship, which is ⅓ tuition. Everyone is automatically considered for that.

Hi @guineagirl96! I got accepted to Richmond and I am planning to visit the school in April. What should I do during my visit to have the most complete feel of the Richmond atmosphere?

@lordofthedance1 Hello! I would contact the chair of whatever department you’re interested in and see if you can sit in on a class. Also make sure to eat at dhall (which is what we call the dining hall)!

How would you say the sports culture is at UR? Like I applied to all D1 schools because I love sports, especially basketball and football, and really wanna go to a school where the students pack the student section and such. Richmond is one of the smaller D1 schools I applied to, but I was hoping you could comment on whether it has that big sports feel.

any idea when transfer letters will be sent? RD have already mailed letters leading me to believe transfers will be following soon

@Windhunde UR is not a huge pack the stands kind of school, although I hear a fair amount of students attend the basketball games. I’m not a huge sports fan, so I’ve never been to any of the games (except the homecoming football game that one of my friends dragged me to, but we left at half time) and can’t really say whether that’s true or not.

@Urich2019 No idea, unfortunately. Hopefully someone else will know the answer!

Hi Windhunde! I am a current student at UR and love going to the sports games. In terms of football, in the past students have attended several of the games and stayed until half time, but the school is doing a better job of generating more interest. Basketball is definitely the most popular sport. We compete in the A10 and have the most students going to the games. VCU, Dayton, GW always gets the biggest student section, but almost every game has a strong amount. You have to realize that we are a school of 3,000 so our turn out sometimes might seem small but it is proportionally average with many schools and better than a lot. The overall attendance at basket games was over 6,000 people. The thing I love about sports at UR is how we compete in a wonderful conference and are on a national level in several sports. I’m glad to hear sports is a part of your college decision (it was with mine). UR is one of a few schools in my opinion that combines strong academics, athletics, and social life. Let me know if you have anymore questions!

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Hey everyone, just got accepted RD, and Richmond is currently my #1. My current plan is to pursue a math major + econ minor within the 3+2 columbia program for applied mathematics or possibly BME. Just curious if anyone on here knows about the program and has any input on it. I’ve had a tough time trying to decide whether I want to pursue econ/math at a LAC or something more applied at an engineering school, and this program seems like it would be a great way to do both. My only fear is that there’s some catch I don’t know about, something that makes it much harder to complete than it seems (obviously it will be a challenge to get the solid grades and complete the courses, but that part should be manageable). I’d appreciate any input y’all have!

@Pepenn123 Unfortunately, I don’t know much about the 3+2 program. I don’t think many people pursue that option, but it is available. You can contact the pre-engineering advisor if you have questions about the program

Will financial need affect my waitlist status? For example, will Richmond take those who can pay a full ride before me?

@navyandwhite7 UR is need-aware on the waitlist, meaning that ability to pay is a consideration when offering admission to students from the waitlist. However, that does not mean that UR will always take those who can pay over those who can’t.

is there any kind of accepted students day for transfer?? I know the experience Richmond thing but is that for upcoming freshmen only? also do transfer have a separate orientation and does housing work the same for them? thank you!

bump from last post?^

@Urich2019 I’m pretty sure transfers can participate in Experience Richmond too. Transfers have orientation at the exact same time as incoming freshmen- i think the orientations are pretty much identical if not identical.
Unfortunately, I don’t know about housing for transfers, but I believe its similar to freshmen housing process.

@guineagirl96 Okay so that May 1st deadline is nearing any I’m freaking out!! I’m stuck between Richmond and Penn State Schreyer; I liked Richmond better by far, but I’m going into English/Secondary Education, and Schreyer is nearly guaranteeing me a job and that’s something I worry about a lot going into teaching. I was only able to visit Richmond on a general tour, so I was with a bunch of juniors thinking about applying. This being said, I really know nothing about the education major, or even the English major, at Richmond. Any information you can provide on the team of advisors, class dynamic, professors, and even the prospects of being employed would be beyond helpful!!

@SarahBearah I don’t know anything specifically about the education program at UR, but UR has excellent job placement for all majors! I know quite a few English majors and the major has excellent advisors and professors, and many of the classes are discussion based. UR doesn’t actually has an education major since in Virginia teacher licensure regulations do not allow students to major in education, but there are teacher education minors (elementary, secondary, and comprehensive), which are basically the same amount of credits as many majors and cover the necessary topics needed to be licensed in Virginia. So you can major in english with a minor in teacher education:secondary, and then get an endorsement in English (which I’m not exactly sure what the process is for that). You can contact the UR department of education for more info on the licensing process.

Thank you @guineagirl96 for always being so helpful in answering the questions! :slight_smile: I also have another one: I would like to join soccer at UR for fun, although I’m not really good at it. Is the girls soccer team tryout at UR really competitive? I enjoy soccer, but I’m just afraid that I would not be good enough for the tryout. Is there any alternative like club sport? And what’s the Quidditch about? Thanks.

@nangkhieu the women’s soccer team is quite competitive, but there is also a club team that is less competitive (although there are still tryouts) and less of a time commitment. There also might be an intramurals team but I’m not sure. Your best bet would probably be the club team.

Quidditch (from Harry Potter) is a club sport here too and, while I am not that familiar with the rules of the game (although I know many people on the team), URs team is quite good. They’re the state champions (at least they used to be).

Okay thanks a lot! I would look into the soccer club team at Richmond :slight_smile: