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@lissyd73 I know CIW has a transfer floor in Seneca hall for the fall semester. She said they have 15 rooms (30 spots). Newing has “spots reserved” for transfer students which basically means they put you anywhere. They also said you are not guaranteed to be housed with another transfer student. They said they have freshman everywhere, and that there is not a specific dorm that has mostly upperclassmen/transfer students. I don’t know anything about Dickinson or Mountainview, because I just looked up the dorms that have the transfer floors.

I am putting Hillside as my first choice because they do not have freshmen there and they have 16 residential buildings. They have transfer floors too. And everyone gets their own room and 4-6 people share a “common area” to hang out. They also have events for transfer students and it is close to the campus buildings. I will probably put CIW as my next choice because I heard the community is really social.

Oh and Hillside is one of the apartment complexes.

@jayfifthmonth have you heard anything about staffing problems in admissions? I realize it’s unlikely that you have, but I’m a concerned high school senior waiting to hear back. I applied EA to Harpur, was deferred, and am still waiting to hear back. Thanks for the input.

@jayfifthmonth‌ What choice do freshmen have for dorms if any at all? Have you heard anything about biomedical engineering majors?

Thank you so much for the info! I also had a couple of other questions. Does anyone know anything about the theatre program at Binghamton? The website doesn’t provide too much information. And does anyone know about when transfers will find out if they’ve been accepted? They only received my transcript a little over a week ago, so I know it’s too soon, but I’m really anxious to find out!

I heard back a little over a week and a half after they received all of my materials. I applied to Harpur so that’s why I think they got back to me so quick. I know that some people are waiting to hear back though.

Did you get an email? Or did you just keep checking your admission status online?

On a Tuesday it changed to “decision made.” I then checked to see if I could pay my deposit and I could. I got an email that Thursday telling me I have been accepted.

Awesome…congrats! And thanks so much for the info!

No problem :smile:

Do you happen to know how easy is it for a student to transfer from CCPA to Harpur after the first year?

Found out yesterday that I was accepted! So excited!

Also, here are some other questions…what dorms have the best location and what are the best dining halls? Thanks!

Congrats! Don’t worry so much about dorm locations. Honestly, they’re all a 5-10 minute walk from the center of campus. It’s not a very big campus. Maybe Hinman or CIW is technically closest, but it’s only by a few minutes. Although I wouldn’t recommend Mountainview- I’m kind of bitter about their huge, steep trek up the mountain.

I like Einstein’s Bagels the best out of any eateries. Most dining halls are pretty similar. CIW has a cool Mexican station, Mountainview has a nice Mediterranean Bar, C4 has the Kosher Kitchen which was great for me personally… you’ll probably just find yourself eating wherever you happen to be around dinner time, or wherever your friends are. Enjoy :slight_smile:

Where would you say majority of students fall on the spectrum politically? I never really considered myself a conservative, but at admitted students day, I was shocked by the progressive nature of the student body and faculty. Students were outside protesting and I was even approached while I was in the dining hall by a student with a list of absurd (to say the least!) demands. The dean of Harpur College also went off on a tangent about income inequality relating to SAT scores and recommended taking a “weird” class such as RELIGION? I am interested in studying political science, and while I do appreciate different views, the vibe I got from binghamton left me feeling heated and shocked.

What were they protesting?

@lostaaccount They were incredibly disrespectful to admitted students and were shouting about administration. Basically, they were complaining that racial and homophobic comments weren’t being addressed in a timely enough manner by administration and that no one was listening to them. Hell, the minute I spent listening to them (or, trying to avoid having to listen to them) was brutal, so god bless the faculty for putting up with them. Their “demands” were rather ludicrous; here’s a list if you’re up for a good laugh:

Sorry you had that strange experience but this has been a very unusual week! This week, an unchartered group called Students for Change approached President Stenger with a list of demands about diversity at the school, claiming the student body isn’t diverse enough, everyone here should receive cultural competency training , access to gender neutral bathrooms, etc. They’ve been very hostile with their demands which has turned a lot of students off and the current campus opinion is that they are radical and a nuisance. This has all literally gone down this week and is definitely not representative of the typical political climate, which I would say is liberal as most college climates. We have a good amount of more libertarian or conservative students (see: Binghamton Review) as well, but I hope the students for change group didn’t taint much of the visit. Like I said, it literally all popped up this week and has exploded into something strange that will die down soon.

I’m on my phone so I can’t edit but pipe dream has been covering the drama and one of the articles includes a link to the list of SFC’s demands. I really can’t stress enough how irritated the student body is with their obnoxious tactics, even though we also generally support the ideals of tolerance and diversity of course, and that the drama is very much limited to having started several days ago. I’m visiting Binghamton this week and it’s the talk of the town, but highly atypical for an average day here!

Okay, I heard a lot of people double major. Is it possible to double major between schools, like English and Accounting or something of that nature? If it is possible would it matter which school you were in?