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So what you’re talking about would be a dual degree, not a double major, because you’re getting degrees from two different schools. I know some people who are doing it but it’s not easy-- you have to get admitted to both schools, and then you’re in both schools, so you have to satisfy the requirements/gen eds for both Harpur and SOM, in your example. But I think there’s some fast-track programs that are prearranged for students, like the 5 year Harpur MBA. If you have an idea of what exactly you’d like to do, I’d talk to academic advising asap so they can help you figure out if it’s feasible.

Can you just take classes in other schools without a dual degree type of thing? I’m in Harpur, so does that mean I can’t take computer science classes because that’s through Watson?

I don’t think you can take SOM classes as a Harpur student unless you’re in a dual degree program. I don’t know if it’s the same for Watson.

@rebeccar‌ Thank you!

The list of demands appears to have been borrowed from Syracuse University’s list. Seems like every other year Binghamton has a financial crisis and there is a big pull back. Right now the Governor seems to be again threatening to pull funding. During those times Binghamton announces short sighted ways to save money. Construction is halted, planned improvements are put on hold. A few years ago Binghamton announced it would close several bathrooms in most buildings. Eventually they settled on just not cleaning them very often. I don’t know what happened with that. I guess those visiting the school would know if they are disgusting or not. But that list of demands requesting special bathrooms is absurd. They are lucky that they can access any bathrooms. If the wondrous administration had its way, they’d have sold the fixtures!

Are you the bathroom inspector at Binghamton?

I was and they were sparkling then!

“I guess those visiting the school would know if they are disgusting or not.”

@lostaccount, I was there last weekend and thought the bathrooms were just fine. But, then again, I’ve never seen the spectacular flush of a flagship toilet!

Are internships and research opportunities only really available for the top students at binghamton? Is it better to go to a college where you are considered a top student so you can get more experience?

Why would you think internships and research were only available for top students. My impression is that any student can approach a faculty member and request to join the lab.That is true at most colleges.

That’s just what I’ve heard…

Njoseph2015, that is not consistent with what I know. I doubt things have changed that much. I think those opportunities are available to anyone who pursues them.

Hello Jay–any comments on the vibes of the various dorms, surprised to see the price differential and want to save money–CIW seems partyish, while Hinman seems studious–or do I have it all wrong? Thanks!

When we sign up for housing preferences, is it first come first serve? Do people usually get their first or second choice?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but when do we find out which dorm we’ve been placed in?
Also, I’ve heard that Newing is bigger on parties, but there are a lot of freshman that dorm there.
Does anyone know how loud it gets there, and would I be able to study in a quiet place if I decided
to live there? I’m more into quieter dorms so I’ve picked 1) Dickinson 2) Mountainview 3) Hinman 4) Newing 5) CIW
I wanted to push Newing farther up considering it’s new, but I’m worried about noise. Also is there a high rate of freshman put in triples in Mountainview?

Can you tell me about the history program specifically there, since you majored in it? I am really interested in history and want to pursue it

History program is great, tons of really varied and interesting classes. You need to take 1 American history, 1 European history, 1 other (could be Africa, Asia, Middle East), and 1 global. Other than that you can really explore whatever you want, the only other reqs being about class level. The seminar classes are awesome. Probably the most meaningful classes I’ve taken at Bing.

Random question, but in the winter do the older dorms (CIW and hinman) blast the heat to the point where it’s uncomfortable? Like should I plan to bring extra blankets and such