Athletic Department Opportunities?

<p>Happy New Year! Am hoping someone will know where is the best place for a student to start who is trying to get a position to work in the athletic department - specifically with the sports analysts or statisticians. DS has has some professors who referred him to other academics - and he has not received any feedback from them. I am thinking someone here may know a more direct route he can be directed to try and do such through them. Thank you so much!</p>

<p>There are a couple of parents here who have students working in the athletic depts. Hopefully, some will see your request.</p>

<p>MystifiedMom, my DS is a sophomore and is on staff with Coach Grant’s Mens Basketball as a student manager and videographer. Is he’s interested please PM me for more information.
Overall, for other parents and their sons or daughters interested in athletic depts, our experience is to first have a resume and have him or her start going to these athletic departments from Gymnastics to Track and Field and personally go to the offices and meet the executive or administrative assistant, they run the show or departments. they will in turn share the resume to the right person or people.<br>
Like any positions, a cover letter and resume are the prerequisite initial intros needed…
All are very open to interested student involvements.</p>