Average amount of financial aid?

<p>Can some of you guys tell me the amount of merit aid you got? And please state your high school stats. I don't need specifics, just ballpark numbers so I can get a rough sense of the price. TY.</p>

<p>(I won't be needing any need-based aid since I won't qualify for it...)</p>

<p>I’m not sure if you honestly didn’t know where to look, or were simply too lazy to find the information. It took me 45sec to find this link on the VT website.</p>

<p>[Scholarships</a> | University Scholarships and Financial Aid | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.finaid.vt.edu/types_of_aid/scholarships/]Scholarships”>http://www.finaid.vt.edu/types_of_aid/scholarships/)</p>

<p>I’m really amazed at the questions that get asked here. Some things can be found so easily on the the university websites, which ensures the information will be accurate.</p>

<p>Virginia schools typically grant very few merit-only scholarships.</p>

<p>What are your stats?</p>

<p>Tech has a financial aid calculator too. Go look it up.</p>

<p>Especially if you’re instate you’ll get very little financial aid. Out of state you might get in-state tuition. Your best shot for aid will be the dept you’re applying to, go check it out on their website. That being said I had a 35 on the ACT capt of the Xc and T&F teams etc etc and didn’t get a penny from the engineering dept.</p>

<p>The only way that I know of to get in state tuition if you’re OOS (and how I did it) is to go through the Academic Common Market. It only applies if you’re from a southern state and the program you’re studying at VT is not offered at all in your home state. Here’s more info: <a href=“http://www.sreb.org/page/1304/academic_common_market.html[/url]”>Academic Common Market - Southern Regional Education Board;