Average Community College Schedule for a UCI CS Major?

I’ve been looking at the Computer Science Major specific requirements and I’m a bit confused. Should I be completing all of the Lower Division requirements before I transfer? I’m looking to transfer in 2 years from IVC to UCI via the TAG Program.

Link to requirements: http://catalogue.uci.edu/donaldbrenschoolofinformationandcomputersciences/departmentofcomputerscience/

what does your assist page say?



It’s saying there are the required courses for transfer, and then lists off “ADDITIONAL APPROVED COURSES FOR THE MAJOR”. It seems to be listing the same classes as the Lower Division requirements. The thing that is bugging me is that Assist.org is saying I only need to complete 1 transferable computer science course.

Also make sure to read the top.

CS is very competitive, so they may be ‘recommended’ but you probably need to take them.

So ideally, I want to try and take all of the additional approved courses before I transfer?

Yes. If you do not take them, you will have to take them after transfer as “catch up” courses, possibly delaying graduation.

Note that Orange Coast College has some courses that cover UCI CS major courses that Irvine Valley College does not cover.