<p>I've been wondering about this. Everyone on the "Chance me!" board lists all manner of awards they've received in high school. Some of them captain of the team, played musical instrument in some sort of orchestra for x number of years, National Merit Scholar, etc. I recognize, but others, like Key Club and Treasurer of This 'n' That, I've never heard of. I'm going to be a senior in the fall, and I do a lot of drawing, painting and street photography. I also enjoy writing. Is there some website somewhere that amalgamates contests I could enter with my work or ways I could possibly get it published? I know of TeenInk, but that's about it. I would even consider contests for adults because the judges of the contests for students that I've tried to enter (namely, Scholastic) seem not to like my writing. I'm not particularly looking to get into art school, but a lot of the colleges I've been looking at (Bard, Wesleyan, Oberlin) seem to have strong arts presences on their campuses. I also have pretty good grades, knock on wood, so are there any merit-type awards I could vie for?</p>
<p>oOoh, go on Fast Web *****************! Sign up for an account, and they’ll send you TONS of essay contests links/websites/scholarships/etc. It’s great.</p>
<p>oOoh, go on Fast Web *****************! Sign up for an account, and they’ll send you TONS of essay contests links/websites/scholarships/etc. It’s great.</p>
<p>Can you put the Teen Ink stuff on your resume?</p>