Away Game Tickets

<p>I know this is a little early, but I got an email for UTK season ticket info this morning so it got me thinking! DS would like to make a trip home to see the Bama vs UT game. How do students get away game tickets? Do they sell them at Bama or should I try and purchase a single game ticket here in Knoxville? I can see on the Vol stadium map where they have marked off visitor section seating, so I am assuming there is a way to purchase seats in that area. There is a lot of hype and a spirit of optimism in Ktown this year so I am thinking the season’s tickets will sell out pretty fast but I have no intention of buying those. </p>

<p>I’m not sure. I think Bama does sell some, but don’t know the priority. Does your son want to sit with you? or all by himself?</p>

<p>I’m not sure what he is thinking. Most all of his friends and classmates will be going to UT so I figure he really just wants to come home and visit with them. Plus, they have given him so much grief over choosing Bama that I think he wants to be there in person to see “his” team beat “their” team. All in good fun, of course :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Away game tickets are offered to students by the number of UA credit hours earned. If they aren’t all claimed in the first offering, then the number of hours needed is reduced and a second offering is made. If your son is a rising frosh, there’s about as much as chance of him getting an away game student ticket through UA as there is of spring in Chicago before May.</p>

<p>Sounds like Class2012Mon is a bit tired of cold and snow, but, she is correct on the process and the likelyhood of a frosh getting away tickets. They are sold out to upperclassmen before getting that low on the food chain.</p>

<p>However there are always some who get tickets and end up not going for one reason or another. Those tickets are often offered through social media so that is a possibility, but you would have to wait closer to game date before knowing. Another option would be StubHub or similar site but Bama tickets tend to be fairly pricey…</p>

<p>He could see if one of his friends at UT could line him up a ticket but sitting in the middle of all that nasty orange would upset my tummy…</p>

<p>How hard is it to get tickets to home football games?</p>

<p>Not too hard if it’s a non-SEC cream-puff type team. Extremely hard if it’s Auburn or LSU.</p>