Azusa Pacific University

“Choose APU” which are the Admitted Student visit days have been announced:


Does anyone know when move in day is for Fall 2022? I can only find information on first day of classes, which is 8/29.

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Last year it was the Friday prior to the first day of school on Monday according to their calendar online.

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Hello! How long did it take to hear back? Also was the acceptance letter in the mail or did they call?

We received the acceptance letter in the mail last December. The SIR date is April 1st.

We also received the nursing school acceptance letter and cohort assignment by US mail. Acceptance to the school was sent via email.

We received the admission letter in the mail the first week of January. Also, the status changed after you log into the APU website with your login. Under “Admission” and then “Application Status” the “Nursing-not admitted” turned into “Nursing-Pre Admitted.”

If your daughter or son has not been admitted and wants to attend APU, give the nursing department (Barbara Wiltsey: an email or call. She is really helpful. As momBSND21 mentioned, the SIR is April 1 so that means they will be adding students between April 1 and April 30.

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Attending “Choose APU” for admitted students today. They just offered $300 credit for making deposit commitment and another $300 for attending the event today. Money will be added to the student account for future use.


Nursing students got to sit in OB class today at Choose APU. Pretty cool.

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Excited to know if your seniors are heading on to APU School of Nursing! My S22 submitted his enrollment deposit. We are happy that he’ll be in state and not far from home.

Good luck to all who are still waiting or finalizing their choice on where to go. From my experience having 2 older children who have now graduated and are thriving in their respective careers, I can honestly say that they end up where they were meant to be.


I really wanted my daughter to pick APU but she chose CS Fullerton instead. I hope this frees up a spot for someone on their WL. I have nothing but respect for this program and campus. They let my daughter know back in December. There were no games or long waits. Jumping through hoops. The campus is beautiful, safe and the nursing school is friendly. Some of these nursing schools (at least in California) are absolute shameful with the way they run the application process. Leaving kids hanging for months and months with very little chances of making it. But that is a whole other topic. Congrats to your S22!

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Congrats to your D on making it to CSUF Nursing!! We went thru the roller coaster ride with the very impacted direct admit nursing schools in California. S22 had a realistic perspective going in, so he didn’t have high expectations of getting into the other schools. Frustrations with how impacted the other Cali schools are aside, we’re happy he landed a spot in a very respectable nursing program as I believe all kids who want to pursue a nursing degree will find.


Our S has committed to APU School of Nursing. See you on move in day.


Our D is leaning toward APU. We sent the deposit to meet the deadline but will be making a couple other school visits in the next couple weeks. Staying in CA is the main appeal.


We are excited that our D will be attending APU for nursing starting in the Fall 2022. We did not expect that she would be staying in our home state of CA so we are very thankful to God for that. She did not apply for the two UCs or three CSUs for nursing. She was admitted to 10 direct admission nursing programs and she liked APU the most. Hope to meet the other parents in August.

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That’s great news. I’m sure we’ll bump into each other. Go Cougars!!!

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From the beginning after getting accepted into the nursing program our daughter had her coursework predetermined by the Nursing College. Within the first few weeks of starting her freshman year she informed us that there appeared to be two different “cohorts” of student programs amongst her peer group. One group would graduate in a four-year period (Spring), and the second group graduated in a four-and-a-half-year period (Fall). To the best of her awareness, she had been arbitrarily placed in the latter group.

My daughter had brought up her concerns and desire to switch cohorts on more than one occasion within the first few weeks of her freshman year with the Program Coordinator. Their final response was that it would not be possible for her to “jump ahead.” They advised her to take the opportunity to embrace the study abroad programs as an alternative to trying to rush through college. They stated that the placement of students was solely done at the administration level and there would be no ability to alter it. Given that the coursework load was the same for both groups, out of my own ignorance I assumed the fees I would be paying over the next four and a half years would be equivalent to the normal fees paid by those students placed by the administration in the four-year program.

At no time were we ever provided the details over what would have influenced student placement selections during enrollment. After multiple attempts to communicate with APU administration during this last semester, I was finally responded to concerning this situation. I was told that students were placed into their cohorts based upon the receipt of their deposits. I can promise you that if that information had been published, I would have personally walked her deposit to the school, knowing I would be saving over $20,000.00 on the back end of her education costs. A strange point of fact is I checked my records for making payments to APU. Our daughter had been informed she was in the fall graduation cohort on March 26th. The request for deposit was recorded received on April 13th. We confirmed with other graduates in the earlier Spring cohort that their deposits were also recorded received on April 13th.

To add frustration to the situation, as a result of the pandemic, APU study abroad programs were suspended in March of 2020. Those study abroad programs were the only reason we were complacent on our accepting the extended cohort after being told early on that “no changes would be possible”. APU never gave us the opportunity to make “an informed decision” by letting us know ahead of time what influenced the placement process which was very foreseeable and easily avoidable. The unilateral decision to intentionally place students into a program that costs a significant amount of more money and then deny any requests for participants who wanted to “jump ahead” by switching over in that first semester has no merit. Just very frustrated at this point in time, and would have been extremely appreciative to have had this insight, so just passing it on.

Hello, has anybody applied to Nursing for C/O 2027? Eagerly waiting for decisions that should be coming out in the next upcoming weeks.

Also, if anybody would mind sharing their experiences at APU/nursing program? It’s difficult to find detailed experiences on that online, but the ones I have seen so far seem extremely positive

Our son is also in the 4.5 year BSN cohort. Yes, we were “warned” that students would be assigned a cohort. I believe it has to be this way given the large class and the school’s classroom space and clinical space to handle the entire class. I understand your frustration about the added cost. It’s an extra semester. Aside from the financial cost, I think it’s a good option for those who actually want to spread it over 4.5 years. BSN students have more requirements than other APU students due to national and CA requirements for nurses. I know these they can handle it, but it is nice in my opinion to be able to spread it out more. Just my view. Perhaps you can ask them to consider putting your daughter on a waitlist in case someone transfers or leaves the program?