Back from Tuscaloosa

<p>Took 6 college kids out for Thai food last night. It was a very fun time. Took junior to Another Broken Egg this morning after church. Very good food. </p>

<p>One of my son’s current roommates will be an RA next year. He told me that a thousand freshmen will not have housing next year.</p>

<p>By the way… in case any of you are living in a state of denial about your children, let me tell you something. Boys live like pigs. No way to sugarcoat it. PIGS.</p>

<p>Glad you had a good time, Slippy. And FWIW, a lot of the girls (mine included) are pigs, too.</p>

<p>Was wondering where you’d end up for breakfast. Will have to try that place. </p>

<p>I agree that many boys live like pigs but I’m not so sure all girls are neat freaks. Our D facetimed with us for about an hour today. She took special care not to show much of her room during the conversation! </p>

<p>When you say 1000 freshmen won’t live on campus, are these kids who applied late?</p>

<p>Slippy - What a relief. I have 3 sons and I was thinking I was the only one raising little pigs.:)</p>

<p>I thought ALL freshman were guaranteed housing. Assuming this statement to be true, wouldn’t it be 1000 seniors without housing?</p>

<p>I thought freshmen were guaranteed housing. Are there 1000 kids who are local enough to get an exemption from living on campus? It’s hard to believe that UA just let non-housing scholarship sophomores recontract if they already know there’s not enough room for the incoming freshmen. Maybe this has something to do with the request for proposal one of our super sleuth CC’ers dug up recently.</p>

<p>I have no idea what the status of these 1000 freshman are or when they applied. We didn’t talk about it long. But it came up in the context of the housing crunch and I was saying how so many upperclassmen were denied housing next year. He said yes, it is very bad, and he made the comment about the freshmen as though it was something he learned as an insider. That’s all I know. Frankly, if true, I am not surprised.</p>

<p>Maybe those 1,000 didn’t make the housing deadline?</p>

<p>NRDMOM and I are recently back from Tuscaloosa as well (we visited last weekend). We both traveled from home, met in Atlanta and did the room mommy road trip together.</p>

<p>What we planned: lunch with the boys, shopping, quick cleaning, walking the campus, Supestore, meeting bamagirls, dinner out with the boys and cocktails for the moms.</p>

<p>What we did: lunch with the boys (Baumhowers), shopping, a short visit with bamagirls, cleaning, changing sheets, laundry, take out for the boys at 9:00 and a drive through Taco Bell for the moms at 11:30, dragging our food and our weary bodies back to the Country Inn and Suites. And NO cocktails!</p>


<p>One of these days a trip to T-town won’t result in exhaustion. Sigh.</p>

<p>i think they will do something to remedy this. freshman are “required” to live on campus. they will likely offer some of the upperclassmen the chance to live elsewhere. i see them doing that before displacing freshmen.</p>

<p>1000 kids is a lot. Are you sure it’s not current freshman that couldn’t recontract?</p>

<p>Hi guys. In the interest of putting your minds at ease, I’m not sure where this 1000 students aren’t getting housing thing is coming from.</p>

<p>If it’s incoming freshmen, well, we’re well before the cutoff, so incoming students who are still applying will have a space on campus. They may not get to go through online room selection, but they will have a space.</p>

<p>I can also tell you, that if it were in regards to current freshmen, there are nowhere near 1000 freshmen who applied to live on campus who were not allowed to proceed to returner room selection. We didn’t quite get all the way through all the freshmen who did apply to recontract, but this would be a gross exaggeration, if it was in reference to freshmen in recontracting.</p>

<p>I’m not saying that your student didn’t hear it, but I’m not sure what the foundation of the original statement would have been, considering what we know about both the current and incoming freshmen.</p>

<p>Hope this helps,
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>uahousing - just curious - how many students who applied for re-contracting were not allowed to re-contract?</p>

<p>Honestly, Mike, I haven’t seen the final numbers after we went through a couple rounds of students paying housing deposits. Not everyone who was notified to pay did so, so we were able to pull people off the waiting list.</p>

<p>In the busy of this week beginning returner room selection and helping students and parents through that, I haven’t asked what the final counts were. :)</p>

<p>Okay, now I need to Facetime with my daughter and see if she is living like a PIG!</p>

<p>Now, now, Class2012, </p>

<p>They weren’t THAT bad. </p>

<p>Granted, the bathrooms were a bit, um, ‘furry’, and I’d rather not know exactly what I cleaned from the microwave, but NRDSON’s room merely required a good dusting and some clean sheets. Although I suppose the fact that his room consists only of a bed and a computer as big as his bed does cut down on clutter.</p>

<p>The most adorable moment was when I was fighting a losing soap scum battle in one of the bathrooms. An earnest roommate assured me that whenever the shower stall turned ‘orange’, he attacked it with mildew spray and that always fixed the problem. I explained that it was a ‘soap scum’ problem. He asked what caused that. I gently responded, “soap”.</p>

<p>And I strongly suspect they banded together to clean the common areas in honor of our visit - how sweet is that? We left them ‘mom’ clean, with stomachs and larders filled to bursting. As well as, we assume, their hearts!</p>

<p>Concerning housing, took a visit to Tut today with D1 so that she could see for her own eyes what the traditional dorm room is and community bath. The very sweet RA was a great host!!! When D asked about the “45” rooms we were told the history behind them and their future. The “45” rooms were news to D’s roommates mom that is a UA alum and lived in Tut. They were not rooms when she was at UA.
History: In the beginning they were actually study rooms. They are located at the end of 2 hallways and had 2 doors.<br>
Current: They each house 2 students.
Future, as in next year: They will house only 1 person and that person will be a leader or RA.<br>
I can see where this will cut down the space available, ever so slightly. But I think it is a good move. Those rooms are just too small to house 2 people.</p>

<p>BTW, at the Preveiw Parent meeting yesterday the gentleman that is in charge of housing for move-in, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! Talk about a tough job to coordinate a small town moving in 4 days.</p>

<p>OK, my son is a PIG. NRDSON is just a piglet. </p>

<p>And really, the room didn’t LOOK bad to the untrained mom eye. The boys really did make an effort. But there is a difference between 18 year old boy clean (looks clean, feels sticky) and mom clean (sanitized and germ-free!)</p>

<p>Does anyone know why there are no toilet lids in RCS?</p>

<p>^^^ Do you really want to clean and sanitize a toilet LID too?!!!</p>

<p>(When NRDSON’s head begins to pound, he says “I have a Class2012Mom, could you pass the aspirin?!”)</p>

<p>NO! I was happy there wasn’t one to clean – I suppose that’s why there are not any. One less place for crud to grow. </p>

<p>And <em>I</em> was not the mom who wanted to add a toilet lid cozy to the dorm shopping list!</p>