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<p>When we moved DS into his suite in August the shower was shiny, gleaming white. When I went to visit Columbus Day weekend, the shower pan was black!!! How does that happen so fast? Yuk. I didn’t even attempt to clean anything. There was an overflowing garbage can in the kitchen, a several week old cake on the counter along with a sink full of crap. Yuk! Montegut- what year is your S? Mine is a freshman and will be moving to a new suite next year but does not have roommates as of yet. His current ones are moving off campus. You looking for one more? Honors?</p>

<p>Sadly, based 10 years of feedback from Y camp and church youth group retreat leaders, I’m pretty sure I know what I’ll be posting here a year from now, half way through my son’s freshman year…</p>

<p>Montegut, what Proudmama3 meant to post is that HER son is a cleaning angel and that it was his <em>roommates</em> that made that disgusting mess in his dorm room. Should your son need a 4th, her son promises he’ll never leave black crud in the toilet.</p>

<p>Ok it hs been a few years since my Dd lived in the form. But I do remember the shower being a pain to clean. My theory is the conditioners and shower gels have oil in them. Anyway the Mr Clean Magic Eraser is the only thing that worked.</p>

<p>Dorm . Sorry cell phone posting.</p>

<p>Class2012- why yes, my S is a cleaning angel, that wasn’t black crud in the shower, it was just a reflection. The kitchen garbage can was waaaay too small and that was why it was overflowing and who would want to waste all that good food when there are hungry people in the world? That’s why they are saving it. They are sending it to a third world country. They are really environmentally conscious. No nasty cleaning products to taint our water supply. They should be commended!!</p>

<p>*When I went to visit Columbus Day weekend, the shower pan was black!!! *</p>

<p>I remember seeing that sort of thing once. I sprayed the whole area with Clorox Clean Up, (with some Dawn added in) let it set for awhile, and then turned the hot water shower on. </p>

<p>If you hang one of those Scrubbing Bubbles Shower sprayers in the shower, they only have to press a button upon leaving the stall.</p>

<p>[Automatic</a> Shower Cleaner for your Bathroom | Scrubbing Bubbles®](<a href=“]Automatic”></p>

<p>You ladies need to calm down. I’m not aware of a single person ever dying because of mildew.</p>

<p>or how about this …</p>

<p>“son, i am coming to visit. can you clean up your living space so it doesn’t want to make me vomit upon seeing it.”</p>

<p>kids don’t need a cleaning service … they need to learn to clean up after themselves. gross!</p>

<p>i feel sorry for some of these boys’ future wives. ugh!</p>

<p>Come on, Slippy! Everyone knows that the Black Plague was started by black toilet goo.</p>

<p>Mike, I agree that kids needs to clean up after themselves and honestly, after reading some of these posts, my son’s suite was pretty darn good. It was just the level of difference between “mom clean” and male clean. Same thing as at home living a house of men. Sigh.</p>

<p>slippy, </p>

<p>Mildew CAN kill. Like the time my son didn’t bother to inform us his bathroom tub was clogged for WEEKS. When I finally discovered the mold and mildew floating in the water, coating the tub walls and devouring the shower curtain I promise you, it was a near death experience for him.</p>

<p>TWO flamingos for your lawn. Class2012, go get your bedazzler.</p>

<p>Don’t know if this is off topic, but just checking son’s housing assignment and they are now in a different building. Apparently, they have been convinced to move to honors housing. Same three boys, different rooms within the suite.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what floor the laundry facilities are on Ridgecrest West? I don’t believe that’s the dorm son stayed in over the summer.</p>

<p>I’m having a feeling parking may have been a part of it, as son has had to park in the Ferg Center since Christmas because of parking construction by Riverside.</p>

<p>Hopefully he’ll make friends with some of your boys in the coming year.</p>

<p>Good luck with housing selection this week!</p>