<p>Jonri, according to this AP article, the facebook page was created the day of his suicide:</p>
<p>This article is referencing the posts on the gay support site which have been speculated to have been written by Clementi:</p>
<p>In the “college roommate spying” post dated Sept 21, the writer is by turns cautious, angry, and worried about the repercussions if he reports the roommate to campus authorities.</p>
<p>"I could be more careful next time . . . be sure to turn the cam away . . .</p>
<p>"I’m kind of ****ed at him (rightfully so I think, no?)</p>
<p>"it would be nice to get him in trouble but idk [I don’t know] if I have enough to get him in trouble, I mean . . . he never saw anything pornographic</p>
<p>"I feel like the only thing the school might do is find me another roommate, probably with me moving out . . . and I probably would just end up with somebody worse than him . . .</p>
<p>“The other thing is I that don’t wanna report him and then end up with nothing happening except him getting ****ed at me …”</p>
<p>About two hours later, cit2mo writes his roommate had been watching the encounter with other people.</p>
<p>". . .so I feel like it was “look at what a ■■■ my roommate is.”</p>
<p>Another person comments on cit2mo’s posting, saying the roommate’s actions were illegal. “There’s an expectation of privacy in your room. Get that guy arrested or at least expelled.”</p>
<p>But cit2mo writes back: “…revenge has never worked well for me. as much as i would love to pour pink paint over all his stuff. . . that would just let him win.”</p>
<p>In subsequent postings, cit2mo writes he has reported the incident to the dorm’s RA or resident advisor and wrote an email about the events to the RA and other school officials.</p>
<p>**The next day, Clementi apparently created a Facebook account. On it he posted two things:</p>
<p>“Jumping off the gw bridge sorry.”</p>
<p>and “what do you get when you kiss a guy, you get enough germs to catch pneumonia.”</p>
<p>The Facebook page was taken down late last night.**</p>
<p>It sure doesn’t sound like he was yet comfortable with public knowledge of his sexual orientation. Your post creates the opposite impression.</p>