Bama Bound (Honors) and Early College

Hi all,

Just curious here- if a student is participating in Early College over the summer, it looks from the calendar that classes would conflict with standard Bama Bound sessions. Are there workarounds for this, or do EC attendees need to wait until August to take their Bama Bound sessions?

I participated in UAEC last summer. I did bama bound the day before classes but I know many students who skipped classes to go with the permission of their professors.


Yoiks… just got both options shot down! EC doesn’t want students to do Bama Bound either during move-in day or during class sessions.

So, it’s off to Kayak to price out flights to Birmingham for late May/early June for me… and from there…?

…Any other new students making that trek (either May 31/June1 or June 2/3) looking to share a cab to/from Tuscaloosa??

Were you able to register for Bama Bound? My son’s account still won’t let him.

Nope- not yet. Just trying to get a hold on what dates we should even try to sign up for.

Is there an advantage to going early, i.e., better registration options? Do you know off-hand?

If I had my 'druthers we go later in June. But we could do that first Honors weekend.

The arch-mages here (like @mom2collegekids ) would have the definitive answer. To my knowledge- there isn’t much advantage, provided you go before the final sessions held in August. That’s the line they’ve fed us, at least- that each class reserves some space for each Bama Bound session.

Our problem is that we’ll have to make a separate trip, or else DS will be stuck in one of those August sessions, where I seem to recall hearing, there have been issues about getting into classes. Plus, they would conflict with MDB or AA sessions he would otherwise participate in.

Ah well… small inconvenience in the grand scheme of things, and likely to be the first of several through these next four years! Such is the life of Minnesotans going to Bama. Roll Tide!

One advantage to going early to mid-summer is that you have the rest of the summer to tweak your schedule. Students are adding and dropping classes all the time…so options that might not be open during your specific BamaBound Registration time may open later on. You just have to be vigilant about checking often (and that could mean several times a day of there’s a specific, very popular class you are trying to get into). My son registered at BamaBound in late June…and by the time school started, he had a completely different schedule that he was very happy with. He had most of the same actual courses…but all of them were different (“better”) days/times than what he originally registered for. Have fun and good luck!