Bama here we come!

<p>DH reported a very successful move in yesterday. Said it was a precision operation and the helpers at curbside were like a nascar pit crew. She doesn’t need him anymore, so he’s on the road home. Sob.</p>

<p>Target should be restocked by the middle of this week, as they get lots of shipments on Mondays and Tuesdays. If it’s possible, have your kids check it out on Thursday or early Friday. That should minimize the craziness while maximizing the chance to pick up the stuff they need.</p>

<p>Move in was a success for us also! Dh was very impressed with the unloading crew and how nice everyone was! We did go to Target to get some last minute items around 5pm, and while there wasn’t a “mob” it was busy and many things were wiped out…including nail clippers!!! Yup, D forgot hers but apparently quite a few did! LOL!</p>

<p>A little thing that brought “comfort” to this worrying mom…a welcoming goodie bag from the honors college (because she is doing AA? her rushing suite mates didn’t get one) that included two rolls of TP! LOL! </p>

<p>We arrived home a little after 10pm, some tears were shed, but I can tell from D’s texts that she is already getting settled and making friends with her suite mates. I’m so excited for her!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>I’m so happy to hear these successful move in stories! Countdown to upperclassman move in next weekend…</p>

<p>We just trial loaded the car to see what suitcases will fit in. We used this method during the snow storm in January, and it worked out well. We have several wheelie suitcases, so we’ll fill them up with the stuff still at home and wheel them from our parking spot later in the evening. We’ll bring the stuff from storage during the “official” move in time, as that contains totes, boxes, and other items we’d like to use the cart for. Hoping to fill the car up with stuff to take back home with us, as son, and mom, are hoping to downsize this year.</p>

<p>Back from dropping DD off. We went down from west suburbs of Chicago the east route through Indy. Coming back we drove west out of Nashville to end up on Interstate 57 all the way through Illinois. Approx 11 1/2 hours either way, but less traffic and more scenic corn fields the western route. DD and three roommates checked in RSW Saturday. Our 8am move-in was easy. Figuring out how to get her the clothes and shoes into the closet - despite its generous size - was not. :slight_smile: My DD and roomies are rushing and in honors; all received the goody bag. My DD was thrilled as it contained highlighters which she had forgotten.</p>

<p>We did our Target run about 10am. It was full of girls in Nike running shorts and big t-shirts with their parents and assorted siblings. We found everything we needed in stock except a black out curtain and the little plastic things that go on keys to ID them. My DD wanted an instant way to tell apart her room key from the suite key. Home Depot had the key things. I remembered to bring a measuring tape (for windows and deciding how high to loft the bed) but didn’t have handy a good pair of scissors or pocket knife to open boxes.</p>

<p>All in all good move.</p>

<p>hmm, interesting about the goodie bags. D is in Riverside East, which is honors, so surely the other 2 girls are also honors?</p>

<p>Ladydianeski, Based on what we experienced at Target, I suggest youn buy it now if it fits in the car, especially if it is something that you know you will need to purchase.</p>

<p>We used big plastic storage bins that can nest when empty formthe move and it worked out perfectly. Could see what was in each bin for unpacking and once empty they all nested together and slid under son’s bed without having to place the bed too high. Ordered two folding metal bookcase for son (13" x 11" x 45") from Walmart ( [</a> Metal Folding 4 Shelf Bookcase, Multiple Finishes: Furniture](<a href=“]”> ) and combined them with a couple of 48" long wire shelf’s from HomeDepot to make son a bookcase hutch that fit on his dresser/ desk / locking cabinet all lined up to make a 78"'long study surface. Son loves it and it provide lots of storage/shelf space.</p>

<p>Wish you could post of picture of that, Randomparent!</p>

<p>Wow, thanks again, y’all—great advice. I did buy those 3M stickie things, but just last night I was panicking about measuring tape and scissors. Well, I have one of those purses you can fit an elephant in, so maybe I’ll sneak some scissors and measuring tape in there.</p>

<p>I saw those nesting containers at Target and almost bought some, but I feared that DH would balk. He already swears that I’ve got too much stuff packed and that it won’t all fit.</p>

<p>All you folks in Tuscaloosa - if Big Al turns up missing, you’ll know to check Diane’s purse!!</p>

<p>Randomparent, another request for a picture. That sounds very functional (and clever), but I’m having trouble envisioning it.</p>

<p>D and her 3 roommates all moved in yesterday. They couldn’t be any nicer. It was great to meet all of them and their parents. It sure makes “letting go” a lot easier for us. D is at the pizza party for AA right now with her friends. I know she will continue to make friends and to grow while at college.</p>

<p>Here’s to a great year for all of the students!</p>

<p>Update 5: here we are 380 miles into our drive back to chi-town in Paducah, KY. Left T-town this afternoon after one last short visit with D and trip to Supe. Goodbye had some but minimal tears (not Ds) as it is just hard to be too sad when she’s so happy. She and roomies had great 1st night, and were so excited for today. Have yet to speak to D tonight, assume she’ll have good news about AA getting started. Her 2 roomies are both in million $$$ band and they started today too. We’re so excited for all of them!</p>

<p>We pulled up to Riverside West at 10:00 yesterday, and my son was all unpacked and set up by 11:30. Very smooth! Target was interesting, but prepared. We did not have to wait long in line, but it was kind of crazy trying to navigate the cart through the jam-packed store. One funny thing–my son saw someone with the $4 full length mirror and asked where it was. A big group of people overheard, and they all fast walked to get one. My son said the clerk was handing them out as fast as they came out of the box. The one thing Target was completely out of was coffee filters. It was tough leaving Tuscaloosa this morning because we are so far away (10 hour drive). Luckily one of my son’s roommates is also doing OA and moved in at the same time. They hung around together and went to the Rec Center today when they had time to kill.</p>

<p>Well, D’s picture perfect move-in has developed a minor kink…no hot water in her shower! Yesterday morning she ended up taking a cold shower thinking the hot would start at any moment but it never showed up. She spoke to an RA who said that sometimes it needs to run for up to 20 minutes (?!) before the hot shows up. She tried that last night, still no hot water in her shower or sink. She ended up using the other shower after the other girls were done, which did have hot water. She’s going to talk to an RA this morning on her way to AA to find out how to get it fixed. </p>

<p>I’m trying to figure out how one shower can have hot water and the other doesn’t. Do the rooms have individual hot water tanks? I would think a dorm would have a big, boiler style. Oh well, I’m looking at this as an opportunity for her to learn how to manage things on her own, but it was hard not being able to “fix it” for her at 11:30 last night :)</p>

<p>beth’s mom–LOL! BamaMom–cold shower, ugh!</p>

<p>The RA is just wrong! </p>

<p>Showers should work correctly, they need to get maintenance up to fix the problem. There are work order sheets to get repairs done, one should have been filled out after the initial complaint, the RA should know this info. </p>

<p>Here is the link to the page: click on work order and fill out form
[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>In addition there should have been a checklist (to be filled out by the student) of any problems in the suite.</p>

<p>Also have her notify the desk as well. If that doesn’t work have her call the housing director, phone numbers on link page.</p>

<p>Hope this info helps…</p>

<p>Thanks robotbldmom! I told D to stop at the desk on her way to AA this morning. I don’t know what was done since she doesn’t have her phonew with her at AA, but hopefully I’ll find out this afternoon. I’ll pass the link on to her if they didn’t take appropriate action.</p>

<p>When should she have gotten the checklist for the room? I’ll ask her about that too. I don’t remember seeing one when we moved her in, but it could be sitting in a stack of stuff on her desk. Of course she didn’t find out about the hot water issue until the next morning…</p>

<p>Thanks again!</p>

<p>The online work order works best. Son had a broken toilet roll holder in his bathroom, and although we put it on the paper, it didn’t get fixed until we did an online work order. That’s probably the most efficient way to get a problem fixed, as you go right to the people who send out the maintenance people, the housing office. RAs are great kids and you’ve got to admire their selfless commitment to the job, but it’s best to go to the guys who pay the maintenance people’s salary to get the job done. I seem to remember one of the Lakeside dorms having a hot water issue last year. Remember, it’s just like an apartment, guys, and thankfully, the university has maintenance people on staff to fix any problems that might arise.</p>

<p>^^^Last year there was a checklist given to the student with their keys, the same checklist that they get when they check out at the end of the year.</p>

<p>They can mark any issues on the list -like a missing or broken item. This will eliminate any erroneous damage charges.</p>