Based on my SAT and GPA alone, what would be my chances

<p>Current weighted GPA: 3.62
First semester (Senior year) GPA: 4.54
SAT score: 1190/1600</p>

<p>Based on these factors alone, what would my chances of being admitted to at least University Studies be?</p>

<p>no one can honestly make any good estimation with just gpa and scores…the averages were between 3.7 - 4.23 on GPA and between 1160 - 1340 on SAT. So I’d say your chances are 50/50… just based o GPA and test score.</p>

<p>Nobody can make a better estimation with any more data than GPA and test scores, except for location and what major you’re applying for. VT is very numbers oriented. I think 50/50 is a little optimistic, depending on major. If you’re applying to engineering it’s not looking so hot, and if you’re applying for anything else then it’s a reach. Not a definite no, but a reach.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses guys. I just calculated and discovered that if I maintain my 1st semester GPA throughout the year, it will boost my final GPA, just shy of a 3.9. I didn’t include my ECs in this thread since they are very weak (only 3, all of which are sports) so I thought that I might as well act as if I didn’t do any. I only wrote one Personal Statement, though I thought it was pretty good.</p>

<p>Unfortunately VT won’t be seeing your second semester senior year grades when they make an admissions decision, unless you’re wait-listed in which case I’m not sure how long they wait. Ending up with a 3.9 is going to help you out whatever you end up doing, though.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t be too surprised if you did end up wait listed so they can see your full senior year, which would be good news if you keep it up. That’s just my uneducated opinion though .</p>

<p>@chuy Well your opinion gives me hope. Thanks by the way.</p>

<p>So I just got my acceptance to COE, and I had a 3.35/5 (weighted) with 1430/1600. Keep your hopes up!</p>

<p>Nice SAT score!</p>