Battle for Georgia: UGA (Morehead Honors College) vs Emory

I’m sure UGA will just take the $ from the football program to put back into academics…

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I would keep in mind the UGA operating budget is approx $1.7 billion and we are talking about an $11mm cut.

Consequently this cut is is less than .65 of 1%. Obviously not a good thing but most organizations of this size can absorb a budget reduction of this size with minimal impact. It can also be offset by increasing revenue (also not a good thing) via tuition increases.

Lastly I didn’t factor in inflations impact on UGA cost but I wouldn’t anticipate an immediate or major change in student experience.


Good points. Additionally the article points out that UGA has carryover from prior years as a cushion…

No one wants to see budget cuts, but I don’t see any reason to be alarmed about this one affecting student experience.

Edit: Ha. I didn’t see your last paragraph… jinx.

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And NOT to make this political, but also good to know… ( weapons allowed in some areas) Campus Carry Information | General Information | Office of the Registrar

Policy at Emory is different than UGA on the weapons policy, if this is a factor in your decision. (No weapons allowed) Rights and Responsibilities | Emory Continuing Education.

Is there a newer article with the school budget? That’s 6 years old. Hopefully the budget would be higher, but……

Great catch and sorry I hadn’t noticed. I actually can’t find anything more up to date.

This article was of interest…

It suggests a determined effort to avoid increases in tuition and or adversely impact the academic offering.

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Looks like instate Hope scholarship recipients will see an increase in what the scholarship pays, so if there is a tuition increase in the future none reportedly at present) it will affect the non scholarship recipients and the OOS students Georgia budget makes room for free tuition for HOPE scholarship |


In my neck of the woods everyone I have met knows about Emory. Few know about UG academically.


I live in GA and there are many parents here who are shocked when they find out how academically competitive UGA has become. It is no longer the safety in-state it once was. So I’m not surprised UGA’s academic reputation is playing catch-up elsewhere.

Edit: UGA has also become much more attractive in-state due to the Hope/Zell scholarships, and that is reflected in the caliber of student in its class profile. The profile would be even higher if admissions was not holistic… they aim to serve the whole state and accept students from every county and every GA accredited high school with 50 students or more. They could easily fill the entire class with high stat students from urban areas otherwise.

I am surprised when I hear of people not being familiar with Emory. It has long been a well-respected private, especially for med and law related fields. And was not considered a regional university like UGA once was.


Not sure where you live.

I said everyone will know UGA. Not necessarily for academics but they’ll know it.

I personally don’t believe it’s the same for Emory. Many will but not even most. But there’s other prestigious schools I feel are similar.

I did get a kick out of your comment about someone thinking Emory was an HBCU. :grinning: :grinning:

But I’m from GA and have a lot of family/friends in the medical field so I will defer to others when it comes to Emory’s reputation elsewhere.

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hoping my daughter’s academic accomplishments at UGA the next 4 years will firmly establish UGA’s worldwide reputation for greatness…

And her $66 million donation down the road will take care of the buget cuts.

All good!


My sister

Heck yeah! Go Dawgs! :heart: :black_heart: :heart: :black_heart: :grinning: :grinning:


Ahhh… love it! Where does she live?

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Agreed. For better or worse US News & World Ranking is the most highly consulted, quoted and observed measure of colleges. Emory is ranked #22 and has been in this elite tier for an extended period.

We can disagree over the importance and accuracy of the rankings but their notoriety and significance in the public’s conscience is indisputable.

Of course there will always be people who are clueless beyond a very small cohort of colleges but anyone with even a passing interest would and should be familiar with a school in the top 25 such as Emory.

I am neither a lawyer or doctor but Emory is universally well known, represented and respected amongst my peers in the finance world.

With that said Go Dawgs!! Congratulations.


A propos if nothing, Jimmy Kimmel’s bits claiming Gonzaga doesn’t exist are a hoot. Jimmy Kimmel still thinks Gonzaga isn't real; so, let's bring him here - YouTube


Times have definitely changed. Plenty of kids get into Georgia Tech and not UGA these days, particularly not UGA Honors. Part of this is that Georgia Tech considers factors, such as first generation, under represented minority and gender, that UGA does not.

For kids that get into both schools, decisions are typically made based on fit and preference. The nerdy vibe is big at Georgia Tech, and not at UGA. Some kids are more comfortable with that and feel like they will fit in better, others don’t want anything to do with it! Same with the urban/college town thing. Some kids vastly prefer Athens over midtown Atlanta and vice versa.