Best dorms

<p>I plan on double majoring Biology/Accounting.</p>

<p>I’m also pretty quiet.</p>

<p>I like space.</p>

<p>I like sleep, so meaning no late night partying… cuz i like sleep. lol</p>

<p>Which rooms are close to my classes and fit my need? PLEASE HELP!</p>

<p>Hi there,</p>

<p>First of all, congratulations on choosing U of A. I’m currently a sophomore and loving it. Also, double-majoring in biology and accounting is quite an undertaking. Eller is a prestigious business school and the science classes here (or anywhere, for that matter) are very demanding. Just know that what you’re getting into is not going to be easy. But as a pre-health business major myself, I know that it’s possible and I have faith that you can do it :)</p>

<p>As for the dorm question, I lived in Pueblo de la Cienega last year and absolutely loved it. It is not brand new, but it is one of the newer ones, so it isn’t as ridiculously expensive as the brand-new dorms (Arbol de la Vida and Likins Hall). The rooms are a good size (I actually had extra space), and it was a quiet place when I lived there. Even if you want to study on a night where people are talking loudly, the dorm is right across from the Science-Engineering library, so you can always cross the street and study there, as well. Cienega’s prime location was a huge advantage, too. It is very close to the middle of campus but also a short distance from the football stadium, Highland Market, and the Rec Center. </p>

<p>Other dorms to consider might be: Villa del Puente, Posada San Pedro, La Paz, Likins, or Arbol de la Vida. </p>

<p>Good luck and let me know if you have any other questions. Bear Down!</p>

<p>Haha great! I’m glad I got some idea on where I should stay.</p>

<p>Anyway, how long would you estimate my schoolwork may be? Because I totally want to join the flagline if possible?</p>