Top Residence Halls at University of Arizona?

<p>I recently got accepted into U of A and now am in the process of applying for housing. I was looking up all the dorms on UA’s website, but obviously they’re going to paint every residence hall to seem perfect. Right now what’s standing out to me are Pima, Colonia de la Paz, Santa Cruz Apache, Cochise, and Coconino. Also, Navajo-Pinal sparked my interest; I know it’s right next to the stadium, but on UA’s site they claim residents can’t hear a thing…is this true? I would just really appreciate blurbs about any dorm because I want to get this housing application filled out soon! Thank you :)</p>

<p>Hi, I am a UA student. I personally would recommend La Paz, anything close to the REC is a very clean area. </p>

<p>They have built a few new dorm halls which look amazing.</p>

<p>i MAY be attending U of AZ fall of 2013. While i was there this past summer asked a couple of students there about halls and one of the said most of the schools athletes live in one of the dorms but I dont remember now which one they said. can someone help me out?</p>

<p>I’m in the process if looking for a dorm and I’m completely lost. I want a dorm that’s nice and fairly big. As far as social, I want a dorm that’s a good balance of partying and studying. And suggestion? A list of top five based on my criteria would be nice.</p>

<p>I want a dorm with suite style living and the people are easy going.</p>

<p>This totally changed the topic of helping her to helping yourself.</p>

<p>But just to add on, I’m looking for a dorm as well. I like a bit of noise, but not a lot because I like quietness and peacefulness. I plan to double major in bio/biomedial and accounting. So I want to be near my classes somewhat or near the library.</p>


<p>Does anybody have experience with Arbol de la Vida?</p>

<p>i have been there(im not a student, just a visit). All of the halls near the stadium/rec center area are all pretty good, (google map it if you dont know what im talking about), the guide told us that there are 3 or 4 tiers in terms of how much they cost, and arbol is the most expensive if i can remember, but it was nice.
I am going to start my app this coming weeeand, and if i do choose to go, i wold choose any in the rec center area</p>

<p>SwimSwimSwimm - My son is a Freshman living in Arbol and loves it. So much so that he will likely request to live there again next year. He said it is a quiet dorm but likes it that way. (Since it is an honors dorm that is not a surprise). He likes the fact that the parties are in the other dorms, so he can go when he wants to, but when he wants to go back to a quiet location or stay in and study, there is never a problem. He also enjoys the study rooms they have on each floor, it gives the kids a break from always sitting at the same desk.</p>

<p>I think you are referring to Likins, the dorm where many athletes live.</p>

<p>Is it possible to get a spot in Likins as a freshman is you deposited for housing at the end of November?</p>

<p>Could someone please tell me about Gila? I was assigned to Kaibab but then I switched to Gila because it looked nicer.</p>

<p>La Paz is the bomb.</p>

Posada San Pedro has seemed nice and socially oriented but still loud especially if your room windows face the courtyard.

Navajo Pinal is only good if you are on anything BUT the BLACK floor ; it is a joke! The organizer of the community is well intended but their choice for RA sucks and did nothign but elicit violence and harassment among various hall neighbors…far from communal or peaceful… so choose carefully. Another floor in the hall is usually fine but I would not recommend BLACK for any student interested in actually studying. All rooms in Navajo are the largest anywhere on the campus. 4 floors overall, no elevator so moving can be a pain!