Best Place for UW Madison Transfers to Live

<p>Where is the best place for sophomore transfer students to live? I don't know anyone at the school. I know that they have transfer housing in Adams Hall. Is this a good social place to live?</p>

<p>I’d go with that.</p>

<p>I’m actually a transfer student for this coming fall and I am living in Smith Hall.</p>

<p>@WiscoBadger03 are you rooming with another transfer student? And do you know anyone at the school?</p>

<p>@Island101 My roommate is actually a freshman, and I have friends from high school who are already at the school.</p>

<p>I am wondering about the transfer house too. I saw that it is mostly single rooms, is that lonely? Also that it is in Lakeshore, which I have heard from friends and on here is primarily studious shut-ins. I don’t think I want to live anywhere as obnoxious as Witte or Sellery. Would the transfer house still be a fun and social experience?</p>

<p>Lakeshore is NOT socially lacking. Choose the area you most want to live in and there will be people like you to do things with. There are pros and cons to single rooms- you determine whether your door is always closed and you are socially isolated or if you join in activities. Think about which environment helps you destress after a long day/week. Do you want nature or big city outside your dorm? There will be plenty of people and plenty of party opportunities no matter which dorm you choose. All students need to study hard regardless of where they live to succeed. Many will party as well, in any location.</p>

<p>I agree and would not be so worked up about the dorm location. Most major socializing as in parties, activities and the bars are either at the Unions or off campus anyway. I’d prefer a nice place to relax and study as my home rather some loud dorm. There are plenty of ways and places to meet people.</p>