Big Ten expansion moves ahead

<p>Screw Texas & Notre Dame!! I had enough of this BS…(excuse my language) lol</p>

<p>Let’s take Rugters (NJ/NY), Maryland (Washington DC/Baltimore), Pitt (Pittsburgh), Syracuse (New England/NY) if not Missouri (Kansas City/St. Louis) for Big-16 and call it a day!!</p>

<p>Nebraska 101 (Mascot) - Herbie Husker & Lil Red </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Nebraska’s Memorial Stadium (Capacity ~81,000)</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Btw, I wonder what would the new Big Ten logo be now that Nebraska is added!? lol</p>


Do you think it’s still gonna be called the Big Ten with 16 teams? I get the tradition aspect, but it is a relic with the changes to the NCAA landscape.</p>



<p>Sweet Sixteen … comes to mind. Sweet and just as soft as the schedule!</p>

<p>^^UCBChemEGrad, Why not? It’s the TRADITION!!! Besides, when all that’s said and done, Big Ten might ended up encompass 10 States geographically speaking! Therefore, “Go Big Ten” all the way!! lol~</p>


Ouch! ;)</p>

<p>Looks like your whorns are headed to the Pac, xig. Your thoughts?</p>

<p>The Condoms will be healed/sealed by the time you guys join.</p>

<p>If it aint broke, don’t fix it! lol</p>

<p>New Big Ten Logo</p>

<p><a href=“http://i598.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/tt66/healyt76/Sig%20Pic/BigTeNLogo.jpg[/url]”>http://i598.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/tt66/healyt76/Sig%20Pic/BigTeNLogo.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Ok, time for bed…!! Zzz.Zz…Zzz…</p>

<p>UCB, I think the Horns simply play whoever is listed on the schedule. Sometimes it works out well; sometimes not so well when the best team is precluded to attend the final dance. At the end of the day, all you hope for is a fair system that allows the best teams to emerge. And all you need to do is beat everyone along the way! </p>

<p>But since you asked, if I HAD to make a choice, I’d pick the Pac-10 and the SEC eons before the Big 10 although the games would be a lot easier in the Big 10. All you need to look at are the national championships of the last ten years – although the USC swindlers finally got their just desserts!</p>

<p>Wherever we go, we will upgrade that league. :)</p>


I agree with that. It always feels good to be powerful and attractive. Look at all the MENSA members following your coattails!</p>

<p>But I don’t think Mack Brown needs his ego stroked.</p>

<p>“gotcha, do the Pac-10, SEC and ACC have anything like this?”</p>

<p>The Pac 10 and SEC both have have official non-athletic connections among their schools. </p>

<p>The PAC 10 is an official sponsor of BuzzFest, an annual convention of selected elite faculty from member institutions. Here’s a shot of last year’s keynote speaker: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>And of course the SEC has the Jethro Bodine Institute, which is devoted to raising funds for PBS affiliates throughout the southeast to show Hee Haw re-runs.</p>

<p>Here is the new Big Ten logo proposed by ‘TampaBuckeye’ if and when the conference gets to 16 members!! :)</p>

<p>Link: <a href=“http://i35.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/d155/mmsf/B16Ten.jpg[/url]”>http://i35.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/d155/mmsf/B16Ten.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>This whole mess is being brought on by the shotgun marriage that added the Texas teams to the old Big 8 and created the Big 12. To me the old Big 8 seemed more midwestern than southern/Texan. The more I read the move of Nebraska to the Big 10 makes sense … so … why don’t Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, and Iowa State apply to the Big 10 also? From my east coast perspective (not close at all) these schools also seem to have more in common with the Big 10 schools than the Texas branch of the Big 12.</p>

<p>Kansas State is not a member of the AAU. Unless the school is particulary strong as an undergraduate institution, like Notre Dame who is also not a AAU member, it isn’t going to be offered admission. Same goes for Texas Tech and Baylor. There is no way the Big Ten member schools are going to accept any unversity for membership who they don’t feel is an academic match. This is what separates the B10 from all the other D1A conferences.</p>

I know you love being a snob about the AAU thing, but at least get it right. In its own words, </p>



<p>Yes, undergrad is mentioned, but it’s hardly a driving factor behind this group. It’s all about research which is a prime institutional objective of the colleges in the Big Ten and which is primarily driven by graduate programs. </p>

<p>A research/prominent grad school environment is not the be-all, end-all and certainly not determinative of a college’s excellence as there are many fine places not in this organization which offer an outstanding (if not superior) undergraduate environment and education, eg, Notre Dame.</p>



<p>Interesting viewpoint. Is it the same mess that created what most objective observers consider an extremely successful conference? </p>

<p>Perhaps I am overly naive, but I think that this whole mess has a MUCH more recent origin and can be traced to the greed of some and the hope for survival of others.</p>



<p>That’s not being naive, that’s reality. Pac 10 teams see the Big 10 already splitting 22 million per college AND trying to make the Big Ten network a force for even more money and does anyone think they wouldn’t react? C’mon.</p>

<p>Maybe Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, and Iowa State will end up in a bigger Big East Conference as described in this Washington Examiner column:</p>

<p>[Remaining</a> Big 12 schools to the Big East gaining momentum | Washington Examiner](<a href=“]Remaining”></p>

<p>“why don’t Kansas, Kansas State, Missouri, and Iowa State apply to the Big 10 also? From my east coast perspective (not close at all) these schools also seem to have more in common with the Big 10 schools”</p>

<p>I know on the coasts, the entire Midwest is composed of a bunch of interchangeable flyover states where even lawyers and bankers wear bib overalls and drive mud-splattered pickups. But the “Great Lakes States” (Ohio, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota) tend to think they are significantly more sophisticated than the “Prairie States” (Iowa. Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and the Dakotas). It’s sort of like how the entire Northeast looks like a bunch of obnoxious fast-talking city slickers to Midwesterners, but in the Northeast, the people in Maryland, DC, Delaware, PA, NJ, NY, Mass., Conn., and RI tend to think of the people in Maine, NH, and Vermont as quaint rustics.</p>

<p>Cartoon of conference realignment drama:
[The</a> Way of The World-Conference Realignment Redux in MS Paint](<a href=“]The”></p>

<p>Too funny!</p>



<p>Two generations ago perhaps … but that’s long gone.</p>

<p>Not to mention it would be idiotic for the Big Ten to add a handful of teams that are going to do very little to increase profits for the BTN. Those 22 Million Dollar shares are going to shrink unless each team brings a significant market, and while Nebraska can, schools like Iowa State cannot.</p>