bike situation

<p>Is it safe to bring a bike to Purdue? Is vandalism prevalent there? I'm thinking about getting a cheapie from wal mart or ebay to ride to classes but it seems like it would be a waste of 50-100 dollars if the seat gets stolen as soon as I leave it there.</p>

<p>Also, I visited campus but didn't pay much attention; are there enough bike racks to accommodate most students during an average week day?</p>

<p>There's definitely enough bike racks. As for it getting stolen, I think it's the same as any other campus. If you take precautionary measures, then it should be ok.</p>

<p>From my experience, if you leave your bike out on the academic campus overnight, it is likely to get damaged. If you keep it by your residence (or inside your dorm room like I did) it should be safe. There will always be drunks vandalizing bikes, but as long as it is locked up it should be fine. If you are worried about your seat getting stolen, they make a small cable called a Saddle Leash that loops through the frame and is bolted on to the seat to prevent removal. If you go to a local bike shop (Hodson's Bay Company is by the levee and pretty close to campus), they will be more than willing to help.</p>

<p>This past year I rode to and from classes 2-3 days a week. finding a rack was never a problem. The problem was people. Riding around campus can be dangerous because pedestrians and cars don't pay attention to you. Many people walk in the bike lanes and glare at you when you ask them to move.</p>