Binghamton University Class of 2021 Decisions

Last year based off of the Binghamton 2020 thread, they seemed to believe that each round of admission was by geographical area (since many of the applicants come from NYC and long island). More and more people last year began hearing of their status before Christmas, and everyone was told their status by January 15th.

January 15 is the date my son has been thinking all along. If it comes sooner it’s a bonus. But he’s not expecting it until Jan 15.

I applied to the school of engineering and applied sciences… and i still didnt get my decision… does that mean I didnt get in…?

What do you mean - you STILL didn’t get your decision? They released one small batch of decisions out of probably 33,000 applications.

You are asking people on this board - who are just as much in the dark as you are - if the fact that your application wasn’t amongst the first to be decided - means you were rejected?

You will know you are rejected if and when you get a rejection letter. Hopefully, you never get one. Try going through 33,000 applications and then you will realize that it is impossible to release all decisions simultaneously.

Best of luck. And don’t worry - not in December anyway.

My son received his acceptance via the portal. He was notified that the EA group was comprised of 36K applicants, so don’t despair if you don’t have a decision yet. They have far too many applications to review to provide decisions to everyone this early. Hang tough and hope for positive news.

@sb9916 No. most people have not received decisions. So far only a select few have heard. And no one really knows the selection criteria.

How often are they updating the portal? daily, weekly??

A lot of people heard on Jan 8th last year and then it kept coming in waves. They seemed to accept people generally in order of high stats first and then down the line. Many didn’t hear about acceptance or waitlist until third week of March. My S accepted Jan 8 into engineering with 3.8 UW GPA and 31 ACT if that helps any. SOM and Nursing especially very hard to get into.

Anyone think there’s a chance they will release any tonight or tomorrow?

Anyone think there’s a chance any acceptances will be released tonight or tomorrow??

I got mine yesterday and got a letter in the mail today. How do you tell what financial aid you got because I submitted my FAFSA but it doesn’t say anything about financial aid on the acceptance…And apparently they don’t have merit based scholarships?

@krauser126 you got an acceptance email yesterday??

@srocky11 Yes.

@krauser126 Congrats!!! What time did u receive the email??

@srocky11 Thanks! And it was at 8:07 PM EST

Hi guys, I got accepted EA to SOM! @srocky11 my letter came in on Thursday, Dec 1 at 7:06 PM.

@nellyrko @srocky11 Yea same actually. I got an email Dec. 1 7:06 PM telling me there was an update to my portal but then I got another email on Dec. 5 telling me my decision is on the portal. That’s weird why did they send me 2 emails? Did you also get 2 emails?

@krauser126 when you checked your portal on the 1st, did you see you were accepted?

@srocky11 I didn’t check my portal on the 1st. I didn’t even see the emails until I saw the physical mail today. But the email I got yesterday said “We want to REMIND you that there is an update” so i’m assuming I was accepted Dec. 1. Heres a pic of the email I got yesterday:

@krauser126 I got the portal update at first, then a letter in the mail, then a congratulations email, with a link to this video: