SUNY Binghamton Class of 2023

Hi all! Just thought I’d start a page for the class of 2023 to share stats/admission decisions for SUNY Binghamton. Just applied EA to School of Management (Business Administration: Finance). Does anyone know when EA decisions are released? I can’t find a definite date on the website.

They are released in waves. Last year they started notifying applicants right around the border of November and December. According to the Class of 2022 thread for Bing, someone from Pennsylvania heard 11/19, and then several super high scoring applicants started posting acceptances around 11/28, the first wave. There was a second wave on 11/30, of applicants with still high but slightly lower stats (e.g., 1450-1490).There were several release dates in December. Some EA applicants heard in January. It seemed to be done by SAT score, with the highest scoring applicants hearing first. But there were also variations depending on to which school you applied. Look back at last year’s thread to see when people posted.

My son has officially applied to Binghamton. I have concerns about the school since he will be OOS. We visited and he liked it so we’ll see what happens.

does anyone know the typical sat for students accepted in the scholars and fri program?

Does anyone know when the email with our login info will be sent? It said nothing on the site.

@afflaughs We were waiting for it too and then my son found it in the “promotions” section of his gmail inbox. It didn’t go to the regular inbox. It came on 10/16 and he sent the application on 10/15. We logged in to the portal and he was able to see that they had received all the pieces of his application.

My son applied 10/14 and received the email with the login info 10/15, to his email address given in his application.

Thanks for starting this thread. My son applied last night…and now we wait.

Does anyone know when Bing will start releasing the early action decisions? My understanding is that candidates with extremely high stats will get notified in late November. Anyone else has any additional information? Thanks!

All EA decisions are released by 1/15/19. However, my understanding is that they accept students with very high stats (think ivy league numbers) and defer everyone else to regular decision for re-review. It is frustrating…

My daughter is applying to DSON. I was under the impression that they will accept 100 applicants (total). I also heard that they don’t get back to EA applicants until mid-January. Can anyone confirm this information?

Just noticed there are two pages for Class of 2023! My S applied EA to Bing, Harpur College for Neuroscience. He is a full IB diploma student but we are OOS.

They are released in waves. Last year they started notifying applicants right around the border of November and December. According to the Class of 2022 thread for Bing, someone from Pennsylvania heard 11/19, and then several super high scoring applicants started posting acceptances around 11/28, the first wave. There was a second wave on 11/30, of applicants with still high but slightly lower stats (e.g., 1450-1490).There were several release dates in December. Some EA applicants heard in January. It seemed to be done by SAT score, with the highest scoring applicants hearing first. But there were also variations depending on to which school you applied. Look back at last year’s thread to see when people posted.

@Kona2012 Would you mind sharing how you indicated on common app that your son is a full IB diploma student? My son is also a diploma IB student. Common app only allows you to list a class level. Thanks!!

@AJC On the common app there was a section - current or most recent year courses. In that section each course he is taking was indicated as IB HL or SL. Since his entire schedule is IB classes and when the transcript is reviewed and an AO looks at his junior year courses they should recognize that he is full IB Diploma because his courses are two years long and he has four HL and three SL IB courses.
I was going to say he also mentions it in his essay but not true for Bing since they only took the common app essay and he talked about his experiences as a third degree black belt and competing and training for 13 years. Other supplemental essays for other schools he talked about the IB diploma program. I hope that the rigor of IB pays off with his college admissions! LOL

@Kona2012 I agree. I hope the IB Diploma program pays off in terms of graduating one year earlier. It sure is a lot of work and extremely intense. My son had almost no time for any college preparation because he is doing IB homework 24/7.

@AJC Has your son turned in his extended essay? My son’s is due 11/15. He is also working on his Bio IA, TOK writing, CAS presentation, Math IA, plus all the normal homework. I don’t think he would change his path if he could do it again but he definitely hopes it pays off when he gets to college and he’s prepared for the rigor. I’m not really hoping for him to graduate early but to be more prepared as a freshman living away from home. Plus a little merit ( or a lot) would be great!

Hello everyone- my DD was the person who got notification of admission last year on Nov 16. We are OOS. She did choose to go to Bing and so far is doing well and is happy there. Feel free to ask any questions.

@Kona2012 My son is still working on all the projects you mentioned. I think his extended essay is due in December. and CAS project in spring. I am glad to hear your son is handling it well. I would not say my son is struggling, but it is definitely more work than he anticipated.

DD is still waiting for EA decision.
GPA: 4.0
SAT: 1530
Major: Environ Sci
Hoping for Honors College.